View Full Version : Saturday vs. Sunday (report)

06-28-2009, 10:54 PM
Saturday was slow. Two of us (in one boat) battled the wind and did some drift fishing and trolling between Gladstone and Esky along the breakline - west shore. We landed six undersize walleyes, several rock bass, and one heavy, thrashing fish that seemed to be a big smallmouth bass but got off after battling it for about one minute. It never jumped, so we did not see what it was - maybe a sheephead ? It hit a #7 fire tiger Floating Rapala. We fished from 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Sunday was the polar opposite. We anchored along the breakline and as the wind shifted we would swing between ten feet on the shallow side and twenty-two feet on the deep end. In other words, we were right on the breaking edge of the drop-off. We caught fish regularly from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. without moving. The bite was still going strong when we left. The total was 3 keeper walleyes and many, many smaller ones; 14 keeper perch and many throwbacks; and we lost track of how many pike and smallmouths came aboard - all released. Deciding where to stop at 9 a.m. was very simple: we marked lots of fish just off bottom on the locator and dropped anchor !