View Full Version : 7/3 Game On

07-03-2009, 02:56 PM
I have a feeling the salmon are gonna be smoking by the end of this week. Here are some pics from this morning....we went 6 for 10 out of Cedar River.

Capt. Jim McDonald

07-03-2009, 03:18 PM
Any particulars? Depth of water, depth of fish? etc. I won't ask where. Have tried twice in the last 3 weeks and found no bait fish or marks that could be salmon. Anxious to find them as are everyone else.

07-03-2009, 04:14 PM

we ended our day with three fish and one lost, all around 14lbs

we spoke breifly on the radio.

2 on flies, one on rigger, all an hour or so apart.

07-03-2009, 11:39 PM
On the ride out I started marking a ton of bait with big fish mixed in on the Furuno in about 100 fow so we set up right on top of them. We pretty much just kept working the same little 2 mile line and did OK, but for all the fish and bait we marked I thought we should have done quite a bit better.

4 hits on downriggers-2 on Moody Blue and 2 on Do-Dee-K.

4 hits on dipsys- hot setup was a braid magnum diver with a Mtn Dew Spin Dr. with Moonshine Bloody nose fly.

Suprisingly we only had one hit on a fullcore with a Flounder Pounder and one hit on a 200' copper with a JJ Mac Muffin. I thought these lines would have done alot better today....but you just never know.

Good luck-

Capt. Jim McDonald

07-05-2009, 09:40 AM
Jul 4th Morning out of Esky "notta"

Left from Esky Harbor and had lines out by about 5:30AM (EST)

Set up about a mile North of the Ford Can and ran south for a few miles then back North.
After a few passes around the can I ran straight north on the west bank all the way past Portage Pt. and
Pulled the pin around 10:15 with no hits, a few nice arches Marked and
a couple of smaller bait balls which I worked through a few times unsuccessfully.

Ran from 70 to 130 FOW with most everything I marked being in 80-100.
SOG Varied from 2.1 to 2.9 MPH.
For a three line set I ran 2 rigger rods and a braid dipsy. Sliders off the riggers gave me 5 lures.
Switched it up for awhile and ran two dipsies and a rigger.
Varied my pres. from flasher/flies to spoons on all sets.

Beautiful day with very little wind..
No flies and calm seas made my morning great. A few fish in the boat would have been better but it was nice to be on the water.
