View Full Version : Am I that unlucky this year?

fish N ski
07-08-2009, 10:03 PM
Has anyone been catching muskies? It seems like the worst year that I ever had. I usually boated 3 or 4 by now. I know I like to fish the "tough waters" for hogs, but when I see and read about others catching muskies at my "home lake" I get so discouraged. Spending dollar after dollar chasing these fish gets me so depressed. I would like if anyone reads this to say they are catching them. Thanks--

fish N ski
07-08-2009, 10:17 PM
after seeing the dc-10 thread I guess I am that unlucky this year. Nice fish. Need to get a little more bankroll going before I can afford the allegheny river trips. Still- Nice fish.

allegheny river kid
07-09-2009, 07:31 AM
Fish n ski,
I wouldn't get too down on yourself..we've all been thru rough stretches at times. Last 2 years i was in a slump at this point in the season myself. I know how you feel, you just gotta keep your head up and in good spirits.. Your time will come and you'll be back in the action. Nothing good in life comes easy..

07-09-2009, 08:12 AM
Slow down and enjoy your time on the water. If you want to catch fish, go after bass or blue gills. On the bright side, when you do put a fish in the net, it will be that much more rewarding.

07-09-2009, 08:25 AM
I am right there with you this year. Although this is only my 2nd year chasing these fish, I have been on the water WAY more than last year and have seen WAY less fish. And, the fish that I have hooked, I have lost. LOL Even though the waters that I have been fishing aren't supposed to have the highest Musky densities, I had high expectations going into this year.

I definitely still enjoy being out on the water and learn something every time out, but I sure would like to net a fish along the way. :) I'll be back after them again this weekend. Its become personal now!! LOL

07-09-2009, 09:04 AM
I feel your pain...With two baseball players in my family I went to little league games most of May and June. When the schedule permitted I got out and the river was either dropping like a rock...terrible conditions to fish, or the weather was more for storm stories on the weather channel. Finally got on the water on July 3rd and couldn't find a fish targeting anything that would hit. I've never put a day in on the river without catching a fish until this year. Not even the little trout Red mentioned would show. I imagine the law of averages will catch up soon so keep at it. A bunch of bad trips can only mean a good one is on the horizon at least that is what I'm hoping for.


07-09-2009, 09:04 AM
Your not the only one out there.... I started my year off with a real nice fat 41" in March and have only lost or had them miss the bait since........ throw in a few follows and thats my year so far. I am putting more time in, refining my technique, and nothing! I do really enjoy the time on the water though! My goal this year was to average one per month right now I am at .222 per month.... I fish moving waters though and my water has been fluxuating and cloudy for I don't know how long. Hang in there! The fish will cooperate eventually!

Good luck,


Red Childress
07-09-2009, 10:10 AM
I realize that most of us fish when we can and do not have the luxury of choosing the "fishy catching" days but as the Spring spawn continues to grow into bite-sized musky morsels, the bite will inevitably get tougher as it does each summer. Making the most of your trip by knowing where fish are and hitting them at prime times while using your confidence baits is all a person can do.

Many times my clients will ask me what we are doing wrong when we cannot move fish.........most times my answer is nothing. The fish must participate somewhat in the fish catching equation. My boat struggles just like everyone else does and I will probably revert back to this thread sooner than later for a little confidence booster of my own. :)

We are not chasing panfish.........we are hunting the equivalent of an 8-point buck here in PA and those do not get blasted everytime we are in the woods.

Hang in there and keep pounding the right spots.

07-09-2009, 10:20 AM
The thing i love most about fishing even when in a slump is you just never know what that next cast may produce and it might just be the one we're looking for so just keep at it. How many followers do we get and yet we never see them we'll never know.

Red Childress
07-10-2009, 06:47 AM
Speaking of unlucky.......I had a client a few years back who had struck out on 6 consecutive guide trips mostly due to horrible weather/water conditions every time he fished with me. He was a very good stick but not good enough to overcome some tough elements until his 7th try........then he finally connected with 2 fish over 40 and a few nice follows and I caught a legal fish myself that day as well.

We fished the same areas with pretty much the same baits and techniques the only difference was that the fish finally cooperated.

Red Childress
07-11-2009, 06:31 PM
Since we are talking about LUCK................I had a client who had never fished, casted a rod, or even held fishing line in his hand until today and.......

(Are you ready for this..........................)

After 4 hours and 8 minutes of fishing he managed to catch his first fish of his life today...........yep, it was a musky.

Talk about a guy who should play the lotto tonite!!

07-12-2009, 09:19 AM
Wow what are the odds on that !! WTG Red !!

07-12-2009, 07:12 PM
Way to rub it in Red, thanks a lot!!!! LOL

Seriously, that is FAN-Fin-TASTIC!!! Great story. Maybe he can share a little of that Musky mojo with the rest of us. :)

I figured out what my problem is, I needed a new fishing hat. I have one on the way, so I should be tearing 'em up soon!! LOL

Red Childress
07-12-2009, 11:32 PM
There is more to the story............

The fish had followed in his uncle and swam away so "Mr. Lucky" casts back out and brings into the path of the fish and the musky hammered it. I have only seen that happen (first hand) one other time.

fish N ski
07-13-2009, 03:31 AM
Gongrats- to the name of the man that caught his first fish, being a musky. To - Jah1317 - your average is .222 . BEAT YOU- My average this year is 0.00 . Granted I am after my 30 plus pounder, but I figured I might catch a baby ski that doesn't know any better. Have as you may. I can't refer back to my old tactics. I need to stay on track and concentrate on MY BIGGIE that I set out to do this year. I know it is a tough season with the weather changes, but I will still proceed thru the tough times and make the best out of NOT CATCHING SHIT! When my big girl rips my lure, it will be well rewarding. If I can land her, It will be better. Last week in july I am going back to Kinzua. 3 1/2 days trolling. AH - and guess what- My Lovely wife is going with me. That means - 4 rods total trolling at the great abyss. She is my lucky charm.

fish N ski
07-23-2009, 07:58 PM
You can scratch this thread. My dry spell is over. Got 7 muskies in 3 1/2 days. Personal best was today with hooking 4 and landing 2. A 38" and a 40" lost a 32 or so and a real heartbreaker 50" that I could not get in the net by myself. The other 2 were a 42" 22lb. and a 34". Back to the same lake next week. A Very big thank you to Capt. Jones

07-24-2009, 05:33 AM
Your loosing focus....................that's not your 40# lake....

:) :) :) :)

Hard to stick with the "big fish" plan.

Red Childress
07-24-2009, 09:09 AM
I second Toothy's post..........good numbers and some nice fish but I have not seen/heard about a LEGIT 40# from "there" in quite a while, especially during July/August. My partner had a 20-inch walleye get slaughtered at boatside by the largest musky he had ever seen there in 45 years of fishing it.....he thinks that fish was in the mid to upper-30 pound range.

IMO, a 40# fish is more scarce than a 50+ inch fish.

07-24-2009, 09:52 AM
Congrats, fish N ski. Now go catch your BIG one.

Red Childress
07-24-2009, 10:56 AM
I forgot to congratulate you on getting the skunk out of your boat.......nice job!!

07-24-2009, 11:24 AM
If I was seriously trying for Hogs only I'd stick to Pymie and Kinzua for PA for the summer months. That's my opinion ,which???? What do I know.
Sounds like your from down Pymie/Aurthur neck of the woods.

It's a hard game to play and stick with. Your "skunk buster" lake has nice fish but do some research and not many "large" fish have come from there. I guess it comes down to how serious you are on a 40# fish. You better be ready to travel and farther than you've been to better your odds.

Or, put in some long hard hours on the Zoo...................................Kinzua if you want to stay closer to home.

I'd go catch some fish and have fun, fish lakes with better odds and then pack up when fall comes and head north!!!

It's all about the hunt and what your after. We've done well this year in my boat with numbers and larger fish ,nothing over 50 yet. We are 4 fish from last years total for the year so I am pumped about that. Our "just under 50 club" of fish numbers are up this season with a good number of high fourties.
Got some fall trips planned for up north for my hog searchin', this year has been awesome for me. My son has caught the muskie
bug.................................that means more than any of the rest of it!!!

It's all in what your after, don't forget to look around and enjoy what got you out on the water in the first place. It's easy to do. I do it. Have fun and don't be hard on yourself, it only takes one fish to change your whole outlook on the trip or season if your 40# comes to the net.
Enjoy the hunt......