View Full Version : Cedar River salmon

The Bait Shop Guy
07-13-2009, 10:34 AM
I got to tag along with Gary Tackman (Doofighter,) to Cedar River last night for my first salmon trip of the season. We stayed fairly close to shore due to the good westerly wind that was blowing - would have been nasty by the time we would have gone all the way out to Whaleback! We started fishing in 60 to 80 FOW.

First sign of life was a quick "drive-by" on one of the leadcores. Shortly after that, a Carmel Dolphin spoon set down 50 feet on one of the riggers pops, and starts screaming drag. Gary grabbed that one and was started to get a little concerned when he saw how little line was left on the spool! Luckily, the fish just made the one big run, and just dogged it out for the next 15 minutes. When it finally came up behind the boat, we could see that it was a really nice fish. After I netted her and flopped it on the deck is when we started whooping and hollering! Put her on the scale and it weighed 20 pounds 4 ounces! Gary said that was the first "20" in the boat since 2006.

Next fish hit a JJ Mac muffin on a 7 color leadcore, and I grabbed that one. I could tell right away that it wasn't near the caliber of fish as the last one, but I was just happy to be in the salmon game again! After a short, uneventful fight, it came to the net and turned out to be a 25 inch walleye! Any other day, I'd be thrilled to catch a walleye that size, but not so much when you're looking for silver!

Next fish hit a Mt. Dew Spin Doctor with a green fly off a wire dipsey set 100 feet back. No doubt this one was a salmon. That one went 8 or 9 pounds.

Last fish of the evening hit a full core with a small Monkey George spoon. That one was another decent fish in the low teens.

Only talked to a couple other boats at the dock - one had zeroed, the other had two. Also talked to a C.O. who said he saw an 18 pounder and a 21 pounder earlier, but those fish came from near Chamber's Island. A buddy of mine talked to some guys at the fish cleaning station in Escanaba Sunday afternoon that had 5 nice fish in the 12 to 15 pound range. They had been fishing off of Cedar River that morning. Sounded like Flounder Pounder was their hot spoon that trip.

Sounds like the bite has finally turned on. Get out and enjoy it if you can.

07-13-2009, 01:19 PM
Holy cow now thats a fish!! Didnt think there was monsters that big in da water i'm not going swimming anymore. Last time i seen a fish like that was on T.V. watching those guys fishing in salt water. Way to go, were your arms feeling like jello after that battle? Are you holding that fish up or is that pole right next to you?

07-13-2009, 01:27 PM
Good to have you aboard, Chris. Had a good time.

Small correction, 3rd fish came on a super secret hot lips spoon behind the wire diver. Chris also forgot to mention when the big fish came in, it also had a second spoon in its mouth, a rocket power from one of my full cores. Hungry bugger!

I'll add the rest of my weekend info:

Sat night got out late, about 800 eastern we set lines, took a small king (flasher/fly on rigger) and a 14# steelhead which hit a full core with rocketpower on it. Fished 70-80fow south of the harbor a little.

Sunday am we went 2/6, both 15#. Had hits on dipsys (white glo echip flasher with aqua fly) and core (reg size jj muffin), maybe one rigger hit that did not hook up and I think that was on hot lips.

Kevin Lee
07-13-2009, 02:11 PM
You have some good looking fish there guys. Good job! I spoke to some folks yesterday that fished Fairport over the past week and they all said it was "so-so" at best. Anyway, congrats...

07-13-2009, 03:37 PM
Nice fish Gary. I weighed the big steelie for him on Saturday and it was a dandy. We finished Sunday morning 7 for 12 including one that went 22 pounds. Seems like alot more big fish around this year!

I broke my cable to plug in the camera so pics will have to wait until later.

Capt. Jim McDonald

07-14-2009, 09:02 AM
Holy cow now thats a fish!! Didnt think there was monsters that big in da water i'm not going swimming anymore. Last time i seen a fish like that was on T.V. watching those guys fishing in salt water. Way to go, were your arms feeling like jello after that battle? Are you holding that fish up or is that pole right next to you?

The rod is behind me, fish is at a weird angle. I have a better picture but have to shrink it.

Smoke On The Water
07-14-2009, 09:44 AM
Is there a salmon tournament in July in Cedar River? If so what are the details? There may be a couple of boats of from Menominee willing to make the run up.

07-14-2009, 06:44 PM
Sorry but I was just informed the salmon fishing tourny in Cedar River has been cancelled this year.

Capt. Jim McDonald

07-14-2009, 09:32 PM
We went 11 for 12 sat and sun morning. we were all smiles with sat morning catch here are the pic 6 for 6 21.6 17.14 17 two in the 16's and one 11pounder. 50.5 pds of fillets. sorry guys it wont upload pic ,it says that they have tomany bites.
carpet bager

The Bait Shop Guy
07-14-2009, 09:33 PM
Here's a much better pic of Gary's fish, (any pictures of that big steelie?) When this one came in, it had another spoon stuck in it's mouth! Turned out to be the core bait from the opposite side of the boat! Go figure that one out.

My bad on that dipsey fish coming off the flasher/fly. I forgot we had just finished our discussion about how we never run spoons off dipseys anymore, then that one hit:p Too many lure changes over the course of the evening to keep track of, I guess:confused:

The Bait Shop Guy
07-15-2009, 11:47 AM
I got this report and pic from Dave Cannon yesterday -


Pic of Karl holding a 16 lb. salmon caught Tues. 7:45 am. Only release we had. Fish was caught in 103 ft. of water and came on an Eliminator spoon set at 80 ft. Only a couple of small alewives in belly.

We marked very few baitfish (three small clouds) from 6:00 until 11:30 am. Only 4 other boats out at Whaleback.

Two other boats came back to the dock and had been fishing in 80-90 fow and got zero.