View Full Version : Flyrod Action

07-14-2009, 07:25 PM
Alright, I have not seen any posts about Musky on the Fly in quite a while. Anyone out there having or have success so far this year. This has been a tough one on me so far, on all tackle. I have to say that I have made it a point to give the flyrod a fair shake on most occasions that I have been out. I end up using conventional tackle more to cover more water faster. AND, I end up getting lazy and not wanting to tie another fly/leader on. LOL

The Pike and Pickerel seem to be willing participants, the Musky, not so much. The goal is to not let 2009 end without a Musky on the Flyrod. So, I might be sneaking into a hatchery sometime soon. I also know that Cabela's has a nice one floating around in the tank. LOL

Come on guys, give me some feedback here and lets get fired up for the next trip out!!!


07-15-2009, 07:03 PM

Help me out here man, you are usually into a few on the fly. Any decent action this year? I need some inspiration. LOL


Have you had many Fly-guys in the boat with you this year??

Well, no matter, my goal stands and even if I have to really press my luck with time off from work, I am going to do my best to get ONE on the Fly. AND, many afterward!! LOL

07-16-2009, 06:39 AM
Sorry Jay! I haven't had the flyrod out at all yet this year, I've been trying to run some of the baits I've been making. I have these two 10"ers that thump really good from 4.5-5.5 mph that I'll be running until the paint wears off them...


Red Childress
07-16-2009, 07:57 AM

I have had a few fly guys out but the windy Spring made things difficult for them so most had to switch over to traditional tackle.

07-16-2009, 08:07 AM
Oh man, those are some great looking baits!! Good luck with 'em man!! If you do get a chance to throw some flies, drop me a line. Just curious to see if any of these fish seem interested in a fly this year.

I hear ya Red. That was a BRUTAL Spring for trying to cast flies. I have been hoping to mainly use them as a throw-back bait, but I have had too much trouble even locating fish this year.

allegheny river kid
07-16-2009, 09:14 AM
As always great looking baits Evan!!! I would eat them!

07-16-2009, 10:21 AM
labattblue, I didn't catch any musky , but caught a 3-4# rainbow on the fly rod using a 6 wt. and casting a small Joe' s Fly. Saw a rise and cast to it. He nailed it.

07-16-2009, 11:18 AM

Sounds like a SWEET fish!! I have been telling myself to get back down to the Little Juniata and get my trout on, but it hasn't happened recently. I'm afraid that once I do that, I'll be pulled indefinitely back into trout zone. Not that its a bad thing, but I am trying to maintain my Musky focus.

07-19-2009, 08:28 PM

I have been chasing muskies on the fly for the past 2 years but only recently have I had regular access to a boat...so i am no expert, but I have had some success. The biggest thing I can recommend is to be persistent. Don't take your conventional gear with you if your goal is to get one on the fly. From my own experience and from talking with others a perch fly seems to be the most consistantly effective pattern. I tie my perch on a 3/0 gamakatsu saltwater hook. I tie it with yak hair or super hair and it is approximately 8" long. The pattern is olive over chartruse with rainbow and gold krystal flash sandwiched in between. My set up is a 9' 9wt. with sci angler streamer express line, which gets your fly down fast. My leader is generally 4' of 20 lbs. floro. I am currently struggling with tippets. Wire and heavy floro sometimes cause my fly to spin. I have also tried braid but several pike have managed to slice through it. As far as water bodies, look for clear to slightly stained water. Because our flies don't push water or vibrate like conventional baits visiblity is everything. Good luck. Glad to hear there are a few others out there chasing them with flies!


I saw you wrestled at Lock Haven. I wrestled right up the road at Lycoming.

Red Childress
07-20-2009, 05:44 AM

Our "LHU camp team" used to slide over to Lyco and do a camp during the late-90's.......I was in charge of the upperweight intensive camp. I really liked doing camps at Lyco because you guys had the best cafeteria in the state!

What year did you graduate from there??

07-21-2009, 11:34 AM

Thats awesome to hear!! I always tend to find myself stuck between trying to stick it out with the flyrod and/or using the conventional tackle to help me learn more about these fish. Its been a blast so far on all accounts. Thanks for the advice. I definitely still have a lot to learn about these fish. Good thing I love a challenge!!


07-21-2009, 09:02 PM

Hey, glad to hear from some other musky fly fishers.... I've been busy busting other fish and away from home so have not monitored the reports lately. I saw your note on flies twisting bad with wire or florou tippets... you might want to try a tiny swivel. I use SPRO Power Swivels size 6. They are small and tough. It stops all twisting and are easy to cast. You can tie your bite tippet right to them if you want.

Hey, I agree with the perch fly... I caught my biggest fish on that fly too so far. I hate to admit but I've not been out for musky yet this year.... too many fish to fry and not enough time!! I was looking for settled weather and summer water levels but alas I'll have to take what I can get!! I'd like to take a night trip with Red one of these days. That could be awsome. I've done a lot of night fishing for trout, bass, stripers etc. I can't imagine what a musky sounds like hitting topwater at night!!!

07-22-2009, 08:37 PM

Thanks for the tip on the swivel I'm gald to hear it works and I will try it. I thought of doing that before but was not sure if it waould cause my leader to hinge at that point. What lbs. floro do you use? I had been using 80lbs, but am wondering how it will be tying a knot with that to a small swivel. What other types of patterns have you had success with other then perch? I have had some success on pike with sur-mul-mac's and flashtail whister's but no musky action yet. Surprisingly I cannot produce much with flies tied with bunny fur. They are killer for the coldwater species but the toothy critters don't seem to move on them. I think they might not have enough bulk. You can get good length with bunny but the depth is hard to get unless palmered or tied double bunny style which makes for a heavy fly.


I graduated from Lyco in 06'. Lots of good times fishing central PA!

07-22-2009, 10:04 PM

I've not used heavy floro however you should be OK with the size 6 swivel if not you could go to the next size larger. I've been sticking with wire - 30 to 45 lbs knotable wire. I don't mind using it and I think it cast just fine. It is pretty flexible and tough. I had a "lifetime" fish hit my fly, while out with Red, and he bit through 15 lb wire!! So I'm leader shy.... I went to 40lb wire and have been using it ever since!! I tie a non-slip mono loop to the fly.

I've caught pike on bunny flies but no musky. You might be right ... just not enough bulk!! I've been using bunny flies with bucktail tied in at the front to provide some bulk and push some water. I've been buying different flies... when I find ones I like I"ll tie my own. I found one called the "Reducer Pike/Peacock Fly" I can't wait to try - it has the colors similar to the perchlike fly (Firetiger) but tied with bucktail, feathers and lots of flash. I also use big saltwater baitfish patterns as well as big Decievers. I've had some hits on the PSP Diver...(in fact the big fish I lost hit a PSP Diver) - I like fishing it over weeds but it is tough setting the hook with that big foam head.

Let's hope we get some settled weather and active fish --- soon!!