View Full Version : 7/23 and 7/24 Report

07-24-2009, 04:55 PM
After good to excellent fishing last weekend the bite in Cedar River has gone to hell. Apparently something caused the bay to "turn over" between Tuesday and Wednesday morning resulting in fish scattering and lockjaw on the fish that we could find. We encountered alot of floating debris and weeds floating on the surface in the couple areas that we fished. Talked to one of the commercial whitefish guys and apparently their catch went right down the tubes also the past couple days.

Anyhow, fished Thursday morning with Andy, Pete, Dirk, and Brandon from Marinette. Everything seemed normal setting up and we were marking plenty of bait and fish. But then they just wouldn't bite. We caught a few fish on 300' of copper with a Broken Nose halfmoon but that was about it for the first couple hours. I adjusted the spread by running the wire dipsies deep and the riggers hugging bottom. This at least gave us a little action....but only a hit or two an hour.

We wound up finishing the morning 7 for 10 and that was extremely well compared to the other boats I talked to at the marina....except for your normal BS'ers, of course.

Fished again this morning with Tim, Michelle, and Steve all the way up from Mt. Pleasant. We started out in the same area that we fished on Thursday morning and we couldn't get anything at all to go even though we were marking bait and fish. After a couple hours of nothing I took a gamble and pulled lines and fished another area about 10 miles away. Well that didn't work either and we wound up skunked, nothing, nada, zippo. Not even a bite.

I think it is going to take several days of stable weather to allow the water to set back up and get the fishing back to normal. With the predicted goofy weather for the next couple days I am hoping things will turn around by the middle of next week.

Good luck-

Capt. Jim McDonald


slim jim
07-24-2009, 07:19 PM
Hopefully it was just today. The bite down here has been better until this morning also. I didn't fish today but from what I heard nobody did squat here either. Fish all week were deep also. 75-80 down over 85-100 FOW. It is hard to figure because then a full core would get bit or a dipsy 100 out. Some nice fish caught the last few days with many in the 20's. Should make for an interesting derby next weekend.