View Full Version : July 27th report

Ty Sennett
07-28-2009, 06:43 AM
I had a group out of Treelands yesterday mornning and we boated one mid thirty inch fish on a Musky Buster bucktail. We also saw three others. One was a tank. Really heavy upper forty inch fish.

For the afternoon and evening I had a group out of Chief lake. We fished Chief lake most of the day and evening. We caught lots of pike including two upper thirty inch fish. Did not see any muskies for the afternoon/evening trip. We doubled back for the fish we had up earlier and did not see it.

Good luck everyone,

07-28-2009, 09:16 AM
Hi Ty,
I was wondering how the water levels were and the weeds are this year? Forrest and I are coming with the families next week and staying at Deerfoot and was hoping you had time to say "hi" and have a beverage? We look forward to chatting with you and get a few baits too. See ya next week.


Ty Sennett
07-31-2009, 06:28 AM
The weeds are spotty and the water temps are low but the fishing is really good. You guys will do just fine.