View Full Version : New launches for the mine ponds

The Bait Shop Guy
07-28-2009, 01:10 PM
James Hart Emailed me this article. Looks like the ponds will be getting some decent launches this fall.

RANDVILLE - Three new boating access sites at will be constructed at the Groveland Mine Recreation Area in Dickinson County beginning on or around Aug. 1, Department of Natural Resources officials have announced.

Groveland Mine is mostly in Sagola Township.

During construction, a recreation area access road, will be closed, DNR officials said Wednesday.

The access road, known locally as West Pond Road, will be closed from approximately Aug. 1 through Nov. 1, to allow for construction of the boating access sites and road improvements between West and East ponds. During this time, the South Pond access road will remain open.

The new boating access sites will be located on Island Pond, West Pond and East Pond. Each boating access site will consist of a concrete ramp, gravel parking lot, and vault toilet and turnaround area.

"We are very excited about the construction of the three new boating access sites," said Steve Milford, DNR Crystal Falls Unit manager.

"The temporary closure of West Pond Road will be a relatively small inconvenience compared to the increased recreational opportunities these new boat launches will offer to Groveland Mine visitors," Milford said.

This project is funded through the Michigan State Waterways Fund, a restricted fund derived from boat registration fees and a portion of the Michigan marine fuel tax for the construction, operation and maintenance of recreational boating facilities, harbors and inland waterways.

Groveland Mine Recreation Area is located at the site of an abandoned iron ore mine.

The old mine's four man-made ponds, which cover more than 600 acres, were used to supply the mine with fresh water for the production of iron ore pellets. The area is open to the public for fishing, hunting and other recreational activities.

07-29-2009, 10:57 AM
i was told by the dnr the road up to the handicap access (fishing pier) would remain open? i'm not up on the names of the road...but i'm wondering if i drove out there if that road (first left after the gate that goes down to the small fishing pier) would be open?

i have mixed feelings about this. i kinda like the rustic feel of that place.

07-29-2009, 12:42 PM
whew thank goodness I got to enjoy the fishing there for as long as I have. Won't take long for it to become like most of the lakes on hwy 13 now. I was perfectly happy with the way it was set up for such a long time. Time to find another spot

07-29-2009, 01:20 PM
I don't think it will have that great of an impact on the fishing. You still can't take huge boats in the ponds anyway even with really nice launches. I guess you can but who would want to? The pond that is way back, not sure which its called but it takes forever to get to has had a nice launch for years and it still has good fishing. It will be interesting to see what ponds will be more accessible during ice season though. We'll have to see but I'd rather see this money being spent on something like launches rather that on granholms summer house!

07-29-2009, 01:56 PM
I liked the way the ponds were 10 yrs ago, with ruff roads and worse boat landings. It kept alot of people away. I have no problem getting my 16ft in there just have to go slow. Was nothing to go out there and catch and release 50 bass each a day, doubt if you could even come close to that now. Still do alot of camping out there every year and there is alot of traffic. So I'm sure it will be worse now.

07-31-2009, 12:07 AM
Hey guys Im taking the kids to ponds and Ive never been there before is there any ponds that are more productive than others? With the kids and wife along I hope I can show some good blue gill action to keep their interest... Its kind of a long drive with a two and 4 year old so hope the fish are hungry...

thanks guys

07-31-2009, 12:14 PM
it depends on whether you have a boat or not jerkbait. If you are just looking to hook into tons of fun fish for the kids then you can go to any pond on shore or in a boat. Should be a good time for the kids to catch lots of fiesty bass out there

08-05-2009, 05:10 PM
i have no problem puttin my 19 ft bass boat in the south pond will be nice to fish the other ones now should be good fishing for awhile the south pond isnt what it was 10 years ago its sad

08-05-2009, 11:40 PM
i have no problem puttin my 19 ft bass boat in the south pond will be nice to fish the other ones now should be good fishing for awhile the south pond isnt what it was 10 years ago its sad

my theory has always been if you can afford a 19' bass boat, you can afford a small canoe or jon boat to put in at the undeveloped sites.

know what i mean? :)

08-06-2009, 05:41 AM
id rather fish in the ''safer'' boat.anyway....hope they do everything they say.I heard they had a grant for ford river to dredge and pave the lot.that never got done

08-08-2009, 06:31 PM
i spoke with steve milford...the first pond is still open up to the fishing pier...and of course the big south pond is still open.

you can still get in there and fish some spots while the new construction is going on.

09-02-2009, 08:26 PM
it's going to be beyond ironic if they spend all their dough making nice boat launches and parking areas but don't do a damn thing to those awful awful roads going to the ponds.

09-03-2009, 07:25 AM
I would think that they'd have to improve the roads enough to get all the other equipment back in there, right? But hey, I'm no civil engineer...........

09-06-2009, 11:13 PM
I would think that they'd have to improve the roads enough to get all the other equipment back in there, right? But hey, I'm no civil engineer...........

i was out there last week. the roads still suck and they've done nothing to them. they were working (i could hear them), although i didn't go past the first spot on the first pond (not sure you can get and farther than that right now).