View Full Version : Fish Landing

07-29-2009, 11:22 PM
Ty and others -

What is the best way to work the landing net when you are fishing solo and have a fish boatside??? I actually have practiced it because this has always been my fear of not being able to land the fish......

Yes I am asking because tonight I had one at the boat and struggled to control the fish while trying to net it myself.

I know each situation is different but there is a nice 40" fish out on the east side that didnt want his picture taken with a heavy set guy!

07-29-2009, 11:31 PM
I leave about 4-6ft of line out and thumb the spool while trying to pull it towards the net. Don't hook the fish to the outside rim of the net, especially when it's a big 50" like I did. If you do, carefully try and turn the net under the fish to reverse the net bag.

Use a BIG net! Kahuna is a little heavy to me so I bought a big Beckman. So far I haven't lost a fish trying to net it while solo yet. Also make sure your net handle is extended before you need it.

07-29-2009, 11:44 PM
jkahler - Mine is a frabill big game - So its pretty good size...

This thing is she made a big run underneath the boat and when it surfaced she was right there at boat side. I already had the net ready to go - in hand and that was all she wrote.

07-30-2009, 01:05 AM
Well sometimes 'stuff' happens. Did you thumb the line or use the drag?

Ty Sennett
07-31-2009, 06:19 AM
I usually leave the net hanging over the side of the boat when I fish by myself. Net bag draped inside though. Then all you have to do is grab the handle and slide it into the water one handed. Make sure to put a rope around any cleats so you don't snag them.