View Full Version : August 11th report

Ty Sennett
08-12-2009, 06:01 AM
We had some tough conditions yesterday. It was hot and flat calm all day. We did manage to move some good fish though. Pat Omally caught his first muskie ever on a Ghosttail. That was a nice fat 38 incher. He had one other follow the same size in the morning and then I had one follow that was a mid forty inch fish. After lunch we had two other follows. One was a mid forty inch fish that came from way out and followed all the way to the boat. Really a cool follow. The other was an upper thirty inch fish I think. It was going so fast at the boat that it was hard to tell how big it was. I can't believe that one didn't hit.

I went back out from 8:30 to 9:30 at night and we didn't see anything at the first spot. The second spot was a waste of time. We got weeds on every single cast. A bunch of boats went ripping over the weedbed before we got there and all the weeds were floating. At the last spot Rachel had one come in on her creeper and take a crack at it by the boat after two full figure eights. It didn't grab it though. Just swatted it. We should have stayed out but we were tired so we came in.

Water temps were in the low to mid 70's yesterday.

08-12-2009, 07:03 AM
OK. I have throwed a creeper, once or twice. I think it's a goofy bait personally. I had a bud describe one in a unique way that I won't say here.

Anyway...how on earth do you figure 8 a creeper ? All I can think of is slow motion. A fast 8 with a creeper conjures up a strange image of a winged bullfrog on way too much red bull. hahahahaha

08-12-2009, 09:10 AM

08-12-2009, 04:50 PM
I throwed up once...

08-12-2009, 04:55 PM
OK, I'll answer your question this time. Just plunge the topwater bait down into the water and figure 8 it like you would a bucktail or crank. It obviously helps to have a longer rod (so to speak) when you fig 8 a topwater.

Good luck threwing your creeper next time!

Ty Sennett
08-15-2009, 11:56 AM
With creepers you don't run them underwater. you just run them in a really slow figure eight. Weird, but they do hit them quite a bit in figure eights.