View Full Version : Walleyes and PERCH

08-12-2009, 10:41 AM
Hey Guys,
I am meeting my son and his family (including my month old Grand Daughter) for a camping/fishing trip on a small lake in the Superior National Forest in Northern Minnesota the end of August.
This lake has a good population of eater size Walleyes and the Perch average 1/2 pound. The lake has a max. depth of 11 feet and there is a fair amount of bullrushes and weeds. It is dark, clear water, bog stained.
I would like some pointers on how you might approach fishing it this time of year. Especially the Perch on artificials or Gulp type stuff.
I have not done much Perch fishing ever as a focus but the young girls in our life can eat an unlimited amount of these so we hope to land lots.
Thanks ahead for your advice.

08-13-2009, 08:25 PM
Being a perch jerker from way back , (emphasis on the jerk) smaller bodies of water and stained water are great for perch populations and IMO you can never go wrong with slip bobber rigs. A slip bobber rig with a red or aberdeen hook 6"-2ft off the bottom rigged with a chunk of crawler is probably the ticket, especially in a shallow lake. This allows you to cover more area faster and when you do get into them try a 1/8 oz. jig with a 2" twister tail with a slow retrieve. But most of the time you'll end up going back to the slipp rig and crawler. Good luck and let us know how you did . Always like a good perch story. Slammer!!!!!!

08-14-2009, 08:50 AM
Thanks Slammer,
We will try just that!
I will let you now results.

Dull Hooks
08-14-2009, 11:43 AM
I would also recommend that you buy that grand daughter a new fishing rod and reel. She may be too small to use it for awhile, but you could just borrow it until she is ready. I would think you would want to get a really fine quality rig for her. Yes sir, a reeeaalllllyyyy nice rig. :)

08-14-2009, 02:58 PM
Hey Dull Hooks,
I like your attitude but I am saving the fishing gear gift for her first birthday.
Got her a Cast Iron Pan for being born and we ate Norwegian pancakes from that already. She is getting a Gerber multi-tool when we meet up for camping in a couple of weeks.
I got her older sister a youth sized 870 for her 10th birthday. These girls will get plenty of frilly things from others. No need for me to add to that.
The 10 year old will help clean and cook fish that week end. We will all eat plenty I expect. We will have to run the Perch through Mama first for the new baby.
When the boys start coming around I want them a little scared of these girls.
A gal who is really good with a fillet knife can certainly have that effect. Not the Electric kind either. For fear nothing beats the manually operated models.