View Full Version : Water Clarity

08-13-2009, 08:01 AM
What is the clarity like Red in your neck of the woods or anyone else that has seen it today up there ? Is it starting to clear at all yet ? Is it clearer above the creeks and/or are the creeks dumping clear water in the river ?

Red Childress
08-13-2009, 01:12 PM
The outflow section looks pretty good even though it is running 9x higher than normal summer flow. The main tributary here in Warren (Conewango Creek) is cleaning up but is still very high and pretty dirty. I have not had a chance to check anything downriver of Warren but I am guessing most of those mountain tribs have cleaned up nicely but still might be running a little high.

I am very glad to not have clients again until Monday.

08-13-2009, 04:04 PM
Been running 62 back and forth to work and the tribs look clear. It looked clearer behind Blair than farther downstream that's why i was asking what is was like up farther. Maybe i'll have to take a run to Warren and throw a line. High water is good for shore fisherman like me, lol. Thx Red !!