View Full Version : Kinzua res. report

08-18-2009, 07:51 AM
Fished Kinzua saturday afternoon/evening.

What a mess, water was all the way to the woodline, docks were 25 feet from the waters edge.

Water temp on the main arm was 78, I did see 80 in a bay.

Tons of debris in the water, sucked trolling in it.
Didn't stop the pleasure boaters, they were flying everywhere and tubing/skiing right through all the floating sticks and crap. Crazy.

I'm sure the river is going to be a mess until the level gets settled back to where it should be.

Nothing to report, not even a hammerhand pike!

Red Childress
08-18-2009, 05:27 PM
I was up there on Saturday with my kids doing some tubing and we had to dodge a few land mines floating around........the pleasure boaters were everywhere in the Arm.

The river is very clean right now (believe it or not) just running high. If the ACE had not opened the lower gates, it would be a much different story.

We have moved/rolled some nice fish the past 2 days with one of them being especially nice.....nothing but some pike in the net, so far. I really like the river running high during August simply because it pushes the millions of smaller bait fish around and temporarily re-locates some of the larger muskies.

08-19-2009, 05:21 AM
That's good you like the "extra" water.

The "ACE" has his work cut out for him getting things back to normal and prepare for the winter dump!

You should be able to figure out a good high water summer pattern if they keep it a nice steady flow, hopefully they will and the rains will slack off.