View Full Version : Always where you least expect them.....

08-18-2009, 08:30 AM
Last night I got done mowing the yard at my parents house and went for a little dip in french creek with the kiddos. I decided to bring along my rod because I just got my reel back from okuma that day and I figured I might as well try it. Everyone was pretty well done swimming and my oldest was floating around in an innertube while I cast a few times in the bay then I decided to let my line run all the way out and bring my hawg wobbler jr across the entire mouth of the bay. about 1/2 way across something picked it off the surface and I set the hooks and immediatly realized it was not a smallie which was what I exspected. by the end of the fight I had a nice 37" French Creek 'Ski in my hands. All this in less than 3' of water! No pics, mom tried to take them on my phone, did not know how to work it, and did not save them..... oh well everyone saw it! Just goes to show you they are never where you exspect them to be!

Red Childress
08-19-2009, 07:05 AM
Same thing happened to us on Monday..........we pulled into a spot with only 3 feet of water along a flooded island and there were 2 nice muskies that had pulled into the flooded grass. My clients raised them both with one of them smashing the bait at boatside but got off. It was pretty cool watching them chase the baits all the way to the boat. They would have never been there under normal outflow levels.