View Full Version : August 19th report

Ty Sennett
08-20-2009, 06:42 AM
I had Nick Eddy out yesterday morning and it was a little slow but we managed a nice fish. I think I had it follow a Pacemaker and then he caught it. The one that went after my Pacemaker seemed a little small but the one he caught was a nice 42 inch fish on a bucktail. Might have been the same fish. Who knows. He had one other follow from a fish the same size or a little larger.

In the afternoon I had out J Kahler and his dad. We had one follow on a bucktail and hit in the eight but not quite get a hold of the bait. We had one other follow a Pacemaker and go into the figure eight and turn off. Slow afternoon for what we had with the weather.

I went out with a friend and Rachel in after dinner for an hour or more and we saw three big fish. Two upper forty inch fish and one that was in the fifty inch range. A friend of mine, Doug Hardy, had that one on a couple weeks ago. Two of the bigger fish went into the figure eight a couple turns and then left. We'll give those fish a try today.

08-20-2009, 06:51 PM
Thanks for the nature tour Ty, it was a lot of fun. I left for home early since the weather sucked.

Going to get out and nail a hog this weekend up here, my dad is busy visisting my brother so I won't have him dropping bombs right on top of the fish/weeds every cast. How frustrating.

Ty Sennett
08-20-2009, 07:57 PM
He's your dad so you've got to put up with it. It does make for tough fishing when that happens. I tried to get him to cast longer but it's more fun watching him cannonball your bait. Thanks for everything,

Doug Hardy
08-21-2009, 03:51 PM
Stay away from her, she's nothin' but a heart breaker. Seriously, call me when you have a second, I'd like to hear what you thought.

08-22-2009, 01:13 PM
Was up from 15 to 21st. On the 19th, had nice calm conditions and at 9pm had a big one hit on a ghosttail, felt a little nip then another, then a good hit, lost track of it as it rushed off the bar, then it was wallowing right next to boat about 2 ft away, all I could see was the mid section as it rolled, could feel the scales scrapping as it rolled on a tight line. Had to have close to 4 foot between the tail and head, then just as nice as you please the lure pulled out. Was my biggest encounter and with deer hunting and everything else, never had my knees shake like that. Kathy asked why is the boat shaking, I had to admit it was my knees, took a good 5 minutes for them to quit. What a night, clear calm stars out. Got back to indian trails and one of the guys was resusitating a 48 incher that inhaled his home made creeper, had only 2 inches of a 12 in leader out of the mouth when he got it. Tried to get her going on the lake but was having no luck so he came back. She seemed pretty listless, then Fred Hirsch asked if he had burped her. Fred had him roll her on her back and a big stream of bubbles came out. She immediately showed some vigor, in a minute or two she was ready and left to do battle another day. That same night one of the guys got that 52/53 inch tiger, it is a probable line clase record for hybrid catch and release.
Other than that. had a few follows but battled wind and rain most of the time. Run a smaller alumacraft and it makes dealing with the wind a challenge. Seemed like there were a couple of good fish caught each day, the numbers of high 40 inch fish are definetly up this year. Water was low and in the low 70's then fell to 69 after the rain. Going back up in 3 weeks to try her again. Dean

Mark Benson
08-24-2009, 03:06 PM
Has anyone got any other info on this burping procedure, seems like a good one to know...


Ty Sennett
08-25-2009, 02:07 AM
If a muskie does have air in it's bladder then the best way to get rid or it is to hold the tail down and the head up to let the air naturally free itself. From what I hear the guy drove the fish over to the lodge for release. Please, do not do this.