View Full Version : August 25th report

Ty Sennett
08-26-2009, 10:37 AM
I had Wayne out in the morning and evening yesterday and Tim and Jim in the afternoon. In the morning we had a big fish up on a bucktail but didn't get him to hit at the boat. Wayne almost snagged him unintentionally. The fish just sat by the boat so when he did the figure eight he came around and almost ran his lure into the fish. We only had one other fish up in the morning but I'm not even sure that was a muskie. We'll call it a big pike.

In the afternoon we caught two fish on bucktails. Both were upper thirty inch fish.

The evening was almost very interesting. Wayne had his line wrapped around a fawn for a little bit while it was swimming through a channel and then almost caught it's mother also. Don't ask! Just so you know it was not on purpose and Wayne was not casting for the deer. I don't even know what to say. Luckily they didn't get hooked. Wayne had a target species go after his Creeptonite later in the night. I thought he had it but evidently not. couldn't tell you how big it was. Cool follow and hit though.

08-26-2009, 10:45 AM
Wayne had a target species go after his Creeptonite later in the night.

We don't take to kindly to these fancy fandangled words 'round these here parts...

08-26-2009, 12:45 PM
Best report ever.

We've snagged a 30lb carp and a seagull, but a deer would have been tops. By far.

FYI, neither one was intentional. A flock of seagulls ("I ran so far awaaaayyyyy") was interested in our Pacemaker and Topraider and one flew right in front of a cast. Poor thing.

Nick L
08-26-2009, 02:52 PM
We did not "snag" the seagull. We "impacted" the seagull ... No hooks penetrated the seagull. Which is why I will no longer throw a topraider and will opt for a pacemaker in the future. I am sure if I had been throwing a pacemaker, those hooks would have penetrated, and we actually would have caught something for a change ... besides a carp.

08-27-2009, 07:00 PM
I have an odd "snag" story. One time I was throwing a bucktail and i snaged my dad in the ear luckly it wasn't fully set or else he would be able to hear out of that ear. Close call!

Ty Sennett
08-29-2009, 10:46 AM
I've snagged quite a few snapping turtles on accident. They were never happy about the whole thing.