View Full Version : The draw down from Kinzua

fish N ski
08-27-2009, 11:50 PM
Does anyone know when they start to let the water out in Kinzua? I talked to a few people and it changes every year they say. Where can I find it online? Or if someone knows for sure?

Red Childress
08-28-2009, 05:41 AM
I do not think there is a set date but the Fall drawdown usually noticeable during the second half of September. There are several factors that come into play. During drought years, the Res remains below summer pool due to navigational and irrigation concerns.

This year is the earliest I have ever seen the lower gates open up, which leads me to think that the below normal water temps and lack of thermocline got the ball rolling ahead of schedule this year.

When you notice Res levels getting below 1328.0 after a wet summer like we had, it is a safe bet that the Fall drawdown is underway.

Red Childress
09-15-2009, 09:09 AM
It looks like the Fall drawdown is underway.......the Res levels are about 6-inches below summer pool and the outflow has been increased this week without any recent 'measurable' precipitation.