View Full Version : need a guide

pete & andy
09-02-2009, 08:21 PM
We used to have a great guide but he got married and can't play with us anymore.any suggestions we will be up this weekend at the same old place.

Ty Sennett
09-03-2009, 06:30 AM
That's such a sad post. I wanted to take you out but Rachel said I was picking up bad habits from you two.

I have you down for the following Friday the 11th of September. Is that still a go? I know that one was questionable for you.

As for another guide, there are none. They all retired after hearing you were looking for a guide.

You might want to try Dave Dorazio or Darrel Neighbour. Bill Shumway is good also. Darrel's number is 715-462-9845. He can give you the other numbers if he is not available.

pete & andy
09-04-2009, 12:54 PM
no not sept 11 Andy cant get off I'll explain this weekend.P.S. I would never cheat on you and go with someone else. I might acually catch something and not know what to do.

Ty Sennett
09-10-2009, 09:24 AM
Hope the trip went well. Tell Andy hi for me. We'll get out next year for sure.