View Full Version : Launching at Ford River

09-11-2009, 03:50 AM
Any tips on launching at ford river, I have heard its trickey. If some one can give me a few direction on getting out on the bay , it would be very helpful Thanks Propman

The Bait Shop Guy
09-11-2009, 09:15 AM
There's one really big rock in the river, just downstream from the launch. Hang to the right hand side of the river to miss it. After you pass it, move towards the center of the channel to avoid the big rocks along the right hand side of the river. If you can't see the rocks, just go slow with your motor trimmed way up, and you'll be fine.

Where the river mouth starts to open up, the channel gets deeper. Once you pass the rocks on the pilings, it will start to shallow again. There's really no defined channel out to the lake. You have to cross a couple hundred yards of shallow water (less than 2 feet in spots,) until you hit 8 FOW. Once you hit that, you're good to go. Be sure to mark a path with a GPS on your way out. There are very few lights along that stretch of shoreline, and you'll have a very hard time finding your way back in if you fish after dark.

Good luck. Let us know how you do.