View Full Version : Giant Pike

Red Childress
09-14-2009, 09:25 AM
I stole this link from another forum.........


09-14-2009, 11:07 AM
I Ebay-ed a retriever to a guy in the UK, so I emailed and asked if he was fishing pike and he was. We excanged a few mails back and forth on what they do and how they fish. They use live trout for bait. He asked for suggestions for US muskie lures that would work well for what he was doing.
He explained they fish some shallow water and cast and troll deeper stuff and the water was stained. I asked if he ever shortlined the shallow water and he was like......WHAT???? With the petrol motor? I explained what we do in certain situations in shallow stained water, he was very interested and said he'd try it. Couldn't believed it worked.
I mailed him just last week to see how'd he made out so far this season and he said he was tearing them up, shortline trolling live trout.
He hadn't tried any lures shortline yet but bait.
He had caught several pike from 25-30 lbs range.

I'd love to try it over there......maybe I'll have to trade trips with him since he wants to come here to try for a muskie.

Super big pike there! We need that strain here:):)

Neat talking to him and hearing what they do.....

09-22-2009, 12:03 PM
I lived in Germany for 19 years (note: catch & release is against the law there!). There was a small lake outside of Heidelberg that stocked trout for pay & take fishing. Somehow a pike got in there and was eating up everything. The owner of the lake even offered a reward for anyone who would catch it. Finally it was caught and it was massive in borh length and width. I have seen two fifty inch pike caught in Quebec and they were both midgets by comparison. No one had a scale or tape measure but it had to be pushing 45-50 pounds. Those European pike sure get huge.

Red Childress
09-30-2009, 01:36 PM
Do you know why C & R is illegal there?? Is it disease transmission or something??

Just curious.

10-01-2009, 10:27 AM
The Green party is "BIG" in Germany. They believe that fish feel pain.
When you catch any fish, you determine if it is in season & legal size. If both ,you MUST kill it imediately to prevent it from suffering. That is their mindset.
Never put a live fish on a stringer!!!.
To get a German fishing liscense is like taking a college course that includes biology and fish anatomy. It is expensive to take the course, time consuming and difficult. You must pass a final written exam.
Once you get a liscense you still cannot fish wherever you want to because all the water is private property. Even if you fish the Rhine river you must BUY a permit from the closest city in the vacinity and they tell you what streach of water you can fish. I belonged to a German fishing club that had their own trout stream . It was divided into 5 sections and you could buy a DAILY permit for one of the sections. That section was yours to fish for the day. Fishing in Germany is expensive .