View Full Version : What to do with a 60"

Red Childress
09-23-2009, 12:22 PM
We have discussed what we would do with a 50 inch fish but let's flirt with the incredible feat of catching a 60.

Do you kill her or release her??

I honestly do not have an answer sitting behind this computer. It "would" be a game time decision for me, I suppose

09-23-2009, 02:22 PM
Red, I don't think there would be any question that the 50" gal should be released. Take pictures, measurements, etc. Then go have a glass replica made. They look great and the fish lives to possibly provide a great experience for another person. Maybe we should take that one step further, make all musky catch and release only. 30",40" ,50",60" released to fight another day

09-23-2009, 03:16 PM
Release. It would be a personal accomplishment and I wouldn't give a damn who did/didn't believe the tape. BTW... I would love to have problems like that.

And...I would never tell a soul where the fish was caught.

09-23-2009, 06:10 PM
We talked about this while on Chautauqua this past weekend. My best answer is to take a picture of the fish on the bump board and let her swim. What would you do with a dead 60" muskie besides get it mounted and maybe a record? Let her swim and get a good replica made.

09-23-2009, 07:13 PM
If it was a world record for sure. I would thump it just so I'd never have to read another "LOUIE" post! LOL!


09-24-2009, 01:50 AM
I guess for me it would be a game time decision. If it had a 30" + girth, I think I would thump it. I hope I have the problem of having to decide this some day!!!


Red Childress
09-24-2009, 07:17 AM
I think a 60 x 30 puts you in "one" of the record books at 67.5 pounds or so.

60 x 29 = 63

60 x 28 = 58.8

If I did decide to kill her for record purposes, I would keep her alive as long as possible while I formulated my plan for certification. If that meant tying her to a tree or placing her in a tub overnight, then so be it. A recently killed fish looses weight MUCH faster than one held in captivity.

09-26-2009, 12:47 AM
Ha Ha....that's why I think a thump to it's noggin would be in order. I would really like to see someone put the record controversy to an end.

09-26-2009, 09:22 AM
I just checked Rollie & Helen's. They don't sell musky leashes for tying it to a tree. I like the idea though.

I couldn't thump it. It would be like beating one my kids senseless for spilling a glass of milk. Here's my plan...Take pics with measurements, let her swim away...stand in your record and be judged by the community as to whether or not you earned the unofficial title. Then, spend the rest of your life as the subject of controversy like Louie Spray, having your photos examined by top minds @ M.I.T. etc. while they convert your known height, shoe size, finger length, gut girth, and dental records into a formula that produces the actual weight of the fish to a +/- 1% error margin.

Red Childress
09-27-2009, 06:12 AM
No need to look in Rollie's catalog........they sell them at Ace Hardware. Just look in the rope department....:)

If I released a 60" fish (or potential state record), I would not post the dimensions for the public to destroy. I guess I would just post the photo as "Nice Fish" and leave it at that............

09-27-2009, 10:59 PM
I say "Let it go." The excitement is in your heart and in your soul. They can't take it away from you.

09-29-2009, 09:09 PM
I would never kill the fish but keep alive and try for the records then donate the fish to an aquarium such as a bass pro shop i know they have people that will come and get the fish and they give you a replica. it's a win win !