View Full Version : Sept 24th and 25th report

Ty Sennett
09-26-2009, 07:35 AM
We've had some action the last two days and boated one 35 inch fish. Yesterday we moved a lot of fish. The only problem was that we had five hit and only caught one. We had four hit Pacemakers and one hit a Rough Runner. We had some big ones go after baits yesterday. Ray and Fidler were out with me. I think Ray was a little too awake from sleeping at the bar the night before. Maybe that's why he pulled the bait away from some fish.........or maybe he just likes sleeping at the bar because he did it again last night. We had a blast as usual though. We'll see if we can get some of those fish to hit again today.

Ray Perry
09-29-2009, 07:34 AM
All right Ty I didn't want to go there, but if you're going to say I pulled away on fish then here we go. Maybe if you would upgrade to a 22 foot comanche we would have had two other fish in the boat.

The first strike, which i felt the weight by the way, would have been caught but no room to set down and to the side. Had to go up because someone was in the way.

Rachel would have had a nice fish also if my face didn't stop her hook set. Once again in a bigger boat this would have never happened.

By the way I'm pretty sure my jaw is broke and my vision has been bad since then. Pretty sure this is do to the hook set. You should be hearing from my lawyer soon. My lawyer also said that it problably put me into a state of depression that may be hard to come out of.

We can settle this out of court if you would like for the small fee of your boat.

Great time out there,

Ty Sennett
09-29-2009, 08:02 AM
I take it your lottery ticket didn't pan out and I'm not getting a 21 foot Ranger now? I canceled all my guide trips for next year thinking you would win and I would be guiding you and Fidler all year. I'd better start making some calls.

Once again I have Fidler's rain gear left behind. Call me with an address to ship it back.

thanks for everything,

09-29-2009, 09:58 AM
Ray or Fidler, If you want I can pick it up from TY this weekend after the tournement this weekend. I could see Ty at the end of the Fishing on Sunday at the banquet where hopefully there are some people fromhere in the top 10 or at least catching fish and bring it back to you guys. Let me know if you want me to do that. Good luck to anyone fishing the Hayward Muskies Inc Tourney this weekend.


Ray Perry
09-30-2009, 07:45 AM
Some people said this is what I looked like before fishing with Ty and Rachel last week.


Ray Perry
09-30-2009, 07:56 AM
This is what i look like after Rachel crushed my face while setting the hook into a giant musky.

Seeing as I will never be able to model again my lawyer says I have a very good case.

If only you had a bigger boat Ty. Rachel would have had a great fish and I would still look as hot as ever.

Now if I win the lottery forget about getting that comanche. The money will have to go to plastic surgery to restore my face.


Ty Sennett
10-01-2009, 07:08 AM
Wow, at least the swelling went down.

Ty Sennett
10-04-2009, 06:14 PM
Here's what Ray really looks like after fishing with Ty and I...

Ray, sorry again about taking that rod to your face. -Rachel