View Full Version : Great Weekend

10-06-2009, 10:33 AM
Whats up Ty? Just letting you know how the weekend went, My dad got a nice 46 incher on a crane bait, I got a 43 incher that crushed a sucker after a follow, and I ended up catching a 38 incher Saturday on a big game twitch bait. We saw 6 Friday and caught 2, had a mid forty inch fish miss a sucker, and than had another mid forty inch shake off the sucker before, my dad, could set the hook...you know he can be haha. All in all it was one of the better 2 days of fishing we had, it definately made up for missing the summer trip.


I decided to leave Sunday so I could give you a chance to catch a couple, hope the rest of the season goes good!

10-06-2009, 11:03 AM
Conor - Congrats on your fish!

We stopped to talk to you after we left Treelands for lunch - You had just landed the fish when we were coming out of the bay. We were in a deep v Lowe.

Congrats! We saw a few fish thoughout the weekend but could never get any in the boat.

Have a good one!

Ty Sennett
10-07-2009, 06:43 AM
Congrats Conner. That was nice of you to let your dad catch one this trip. Thanks for giving us a chance on Sunday. We needed it. Maybe we'll see you and your dad at the Chicago show this winter. Good luck at school,