View Full Version : Great night last night

10-07-2009, 05:03 AM
Lookin at the weather report i decided to head out last night, so after work i headed to one of my local favorite waters. Well when i got to the launch i walk to the ramp to check for things nature or people have left so i do not hit them. I see what i thought were minnows darting, well i look closer there were with out joking at least 50 baby muskie laying at the ramp. They were 4-6 inch long, the cutest things i had ever seen. The PFBC must have just released them with in the last few days. That got my day off to good start.

Well i go next couple hours with out seeing a fish. I go to one of my best spots with out moving moving fish so i deciede to go real slow in working baits. bang secound cast on a walleye hellhound, got a 33 inch skie in the net. Finally broke my fishless streak of 5 months. Little further had another skie miss three time, then little further another skie miss. By this time its getting dark so i start to head home and i take just one more cast. Boom rod just bends in half i knoew i had somthing good. After short fight i net the fish i could not believe my eyes 30 inch walleye hit my hellhound. Its girth was 18inch. Well then i released it and packed it in for the day. Thanks for listening, it was a great night for me last night.

H2O wolf
10-07-2009, 07:03 AM
Congrats... that's a beast of a walleye. Was it a river or lake fish? Too bad you didn't hook everything. Those fingerlings were probably just stocked that day. It's too bad nobody was there to help float stock them and spread them out.

Red Childress
10-07-2009, 07:06 AM
You gotta love those big walleye chasing muskie baits.....Congrats on getting out of the slump!

10-07-2009, 08:03 AM


Wish i had photo of the fingurelings but could not get close enough with out them darting away.

These were river fish. The fish that missed were tempted by Jim Bortz twitching advise in the new musky hunter. It was great fun.

10-07-2009, 12:29 PM

Joe M
10-07-2009, 03:52 PM
Yes the fingerlings were stocked last Wednesday. The stocked 4 pools on the river. I had my buddy float stock the one pool but there were no volunteers for the other pools. I will send Red some pictures to post.

10-07-2009, 04:12 PM
Wow...Nice 'eye!

10-07-2009, 05:08 PM
I had a great Tuesday night also. We put in at 4pm and went home at 6pm. We managed one shake off, one musky in the boat, and a large walleye in the boat. We were also the only ones on the lake.

10-08-2009, 08:31 AM
Thats a nice muskie, and eye, what were there lengths?

Red Childress
10-08-2009, 08:40 AM
Nice fish, guys!

It is a great feeling to hit those feeding windows, especially during this crazy weather pattern. It is almost like you planned it or something......launch at 4, catch a few fish and head home at 6. No big deal......all in a day's work.....lol

10-08-2009, 02:00 PM
I wish it was always that easy! The water temps were perfect on Tuesday at 55.9 to 56.7 degrees. The musky was 41" and the walleye was 23".

Has anyone else seen any fall patterns?

allegheny river kid
10-08-2009, 06:53 PM
Great fish sounds like it was a great night! Congrats on the 30" eye, they dont come to easy!

10-09-2009, 07:12 AM
Went out last night, good night again. Got between my partner and i got three pike in the boat, missed a few. But the highlight of my night was having two follows from a fish in the upper 30s and one real nice maybe mid 40s who was inches away from the bait but fled the scene at the boat. My first follow came from a my new suzy spin on its secound cast. So going to try again saturday evening.

Lets keep the fall pics coming