View Full Version : October 9th and 10th report

Ty Sennett
10-11-2009, 07:33 AM
On the 9th I had Tony Curtis and Dave Black out. If you didn't see us you probably heard us. We had a great time. Maybe we would have caught more fish if Dave wasn't snagging the sucker lines every other cast and Tony wasn't working on backlashes all afternoon. Dave did get a small muskie and Tony had two up on Crankbaits. We had to convince him that he had one of them. I still don't think he believes Dave and I. We did have one sucker get hit and we tore the rig free but got only the rig back. Not sure how big the muskie was but I doubt it was a small one. You should have seen the size of the sucker we were dragging. It was no lie about five pounds or more. Probably 25 inches long at the least. It was all we could get so we said what the heck.

Yesterday we had a tough day. We had one on for a while and lost it half way back to the boat. Other than that we had some nervous suckers a couple times but nothing.

Water temps didn't get about 48 yesterday.