View Full Version : Lake Turnover Info?

10-11-2009, 01:39 PM
Does anyone have information about Flowage "turnover"? Any info. would be appreciated.


10-12-2009, 07:58 AM
I have had people tell me the Chip does not turn over per se. Theory was that the average depth was fairly shallow, so it didn't stratify, thus turn. I don't know.

I suspect some of the natural lakes within the Flowage might turn being as some of them are deeper waters.

Ty Sennett
10-12-2009, 08:10 AM
Robert is right. The Chip turns over but not to the extent that some of the natural lakes do in the area. You rarely see signs of turnover like floating muck and smelly water. Crane and Moonshine will show these signs as they are isolated lakes. Most of the lakes have turned over I would think. The water temps are below 50 degrees which is usually close to the temperature of the hypolimnion(lower water level). As cold as it got two nights ago the water temp did not go down so this would tell me that the lake turned over a few days ago. The only way to really know though is to lower a temperature gauge down to all levels of the lake to find out what is going on. The other way is to look for changing water color which we have had in some of the areas of the lake.

10-12-2009, 03:44 PM
Thanks a lot for the information.

I agree that there are some areas of the Flowage that probably don't exhibit the typical "turnover" signs but I've also been anchored in the secluded lakes such as Crane and Scott in previous years and have actually seen the bottom muck appear in a kind of "boiling" motion on the surface. This is also accompanied by a water temperature change from surface to bottom of around 6 deg. with the water temp. being a consistent temperature after the water mixes.

Thanks again.