View Full Version : Alot of follows as of late...

10-13-2009, 11:59 AM
I have been hitting the water 4-5 days a week (after work, for the past few weeks) and i have moved tons of fish. They seemed to be active, some are very hot. From what i am seeing the smaller fish under 30ish seem to hit the baits (and manage not to get hooked) while the the bigger fish will follow. I had one nice fish follow my 8 for three full 8s then swim away it never was more than a foot back, and a few others come charging in and flee when they see the boat.

I am working a hellhound, slow to medium speed. What should i do for a throw back, or what should i change to maybe convert one or two of these fish. The fish are holding in deeper holes (8-12 foot) where i fish. Thanks

10-13-2009, 12:52 PM
Try a baby Crane Bait for a throw back.

Red Childress
10-13-2009, 02:30 PM
Tough question with many possible answers.......If the fish appeared hot, I quickly go right back with the same bait but with a much faster retrieve. If the fish was on the lazy side, I have someone else throw whatever they have on and move it at a normal speed.

Just my .02 cents