View Full Version : guide dates

Mexican Marauder
10-15-2009, 02:16 PM
do you have any days left??

Ty Sennett
10-15-2009, 09:06 PM
November days, which might be warmer than October from what we've seen. I just had someone cancel on November 4th and 5th. If that sounds like something you can do let me know. It might be warm, or cold. Who knows. We can play it by ear. I also have the 12th and 13th. Treelands will be closed so I would have to provide the bloody mary to start the trip.

Mexican Marauder
10-15-2009, 10:21 PM
ill call you by sat and let you know!

Mexican Marauder
10-22-2009, 08:28 PM
sorry bro i cant do it , thanks though!!