View Full Version : This week/weekends upcoming weather

10-20-2009, 09:54 PM
With the impending weather towards the end of the week and the weekend, how confident would you be? I know, lots of variables, and hell-I'm going anyhow. Just thought I'd ask. Will be fishing southern Rusk/Northern Chippewa County.

Ty Sennett
10-21-2009, 06:49 AM
The worse the weather in the fall the better the fishing. It has always been that way. Just bundle up and you'll have luck. Spend the extra money on cold weather gear. It's worth it.

10-21-2009, 03:49 PM
Do fronts make as big of a difference in late fall as earlier in the season?

Ty Sennett
10-22-2009, 07:16 AM
Not even close. It seems to be pretty steady in the fall compared to spring. Cold fronts do not change the fishing all that much in the fall.

10-25-2009, 02:03 PM
well, it didn't seem to matter too much, like you said Ty. My luck this weekend was the same as the rest of the year-lousy. Fished Friday in the worst conditions I've been in, mid 30's, sideways rain/drizzle turning to sleet turning to blizzard! Saturday was much nicer, but with the same results. Better luck next year.