View Full Version : October 20th report

Ty Sennett
10-21-2009, 07:07 AM
I had Brad and Aaron out yesterday. I've fished with Brad before but not Aaron. I asked Brad to leave Aaron home next time. It was Aaron's first time fishing muskies and first time casting (over water anyway) a baitcasting reel. I don't remember him getting one backlash. Pretty impressive. His goal was to at least see someone catch a fish and we did. At the first spot Brad caught a 34 1/2 incher. It wasn't right away because it was a big spot. Brad lost his bet with Aaron that he would catch a fish before 9:00AM. He was off by fifteen minutes. I'm sure Aaron would say it was because I was 5 minutes late showing up. He had a lot of negative things to say about me.........but then again he wanted to use his spinning reel for muskies so it really didn't bother me much. a little down the shore I was showing Brad One of my reels and how easy it was to bring in Cowgirls with it. He threw it a few times and then he asked me if it was easy to burn them with it and I burned it in and there was a fish right on it. That was a supermodel Cowgirl. Fish didn't hit but I couldn't believe this late in the year that fish followed a bucktail burned in. After llunch Aaron had one follow that looked like a good fish. It was cloudy at the time but it looked to be low forty inch. Aaron had one other follow and then Brad caught a really nice 44 inch fish. The weird thing was that we didn't have one fish on a sucker yesterday. They had a nice tour of the lake but no action.

We had a good time. Aaron has my future all planned out in the muskie industry. I think he's going to take me places. Some might land me in jail but that's the price you pay to have a manager like Aaron. I'm glad we at least caught some fish.

Thanks for a great time guys,

Paul Schueller
10-21-2009, 07:36 AM
What kind of reel is it? Is it that reel for halibut, or something like that, that you were talking about this summer? My wrist hurt for the rest of the week when you had me burning cowgirls!

Brad L.
10-21-2009, 11:29 AM
Great post Ty!!! Aaron and I couldn't stop laughing. Thanks again for the great time. Look forward to seeing the pics since Aaron's camera quit working. We will be working on the ideas we discussed in the boat and we will see how you like them next time we are up.

Ty Sennett
10-22-2009, 06:49 AM
Paul, the reel is just a Pfleuger but the handle to put on it is the handle from the Calcutta TE L J V. you can order the handle separate from Shimano. This is a different one than I had you using. I didn't have that handle in yet when we were out. Sorry to make you suffer. The handle makes all the difference.

Brad, I might get the pics up tonight after guiding. Thanks again,

Brad L.
10-23-2009, 05:38 PM
Ty, can you order the reel handle from Shimano's internet site or do you have to call them?

Ty Sennett
10-24-2009, 10:09 PM
You have to call them. The number is on their site though.