View Full Version : Out there

10-24-2009, 04:24 PM
Am wondering if anyone is out there as i have not seen a post since the 20th. Anybody trying to fish?

steve l
10-24-2009, 04:28 PM
I think many are bow hunting and bear, grouse hunting.

10-24-2009, 06:08 PM
I don't think too many have wanted to brave the weather

10-24-2009, 06:14 PM
I went down to the Escanaba river 2 mornings ago. Didnt get a bite but did see several dead and live salmon.

The Bait Shop Guy
10-24-2009, 06:39 PM
The weather has been KILLING us!:mad: This is normally one of the busiest weekends of the fall. Today I only saw 5 groups of guys! One group has been up here fishing the last few days in the worst of the weather, looking for bass. Today they were "complaining" about all the walleyes and pike they were catching on redtails. "Oh darn!":rolleyes: They said one of the pike was pushing 40 inches. They also said the secret to being able to fish all day in the rain was to wear their neoprene waders!

My dad got out for a little while this afternoon, but didn't run into any fish where we got the bass last week. He did run into a couple small pike near the Escanaba harbor, though. He said the water was at 48 degrees tonight.

I hope to get out Sunday afternoon. Will let you know if I do any good.

10-25-2009, 07:13 PM
Hope you got out today Chris and can give a report.
I am hoping to give it a try Tuesday.

The Bait Shop Guy
10-25-2009, 08:48 PM
Yeah, I got out for a little while this evening. Waited till most of the rain had passed, but by then, the wind was whipping pretty good out of the East. Made fishing a breakline that runs North - South difficult to say the least! Marked a few fish, but only had one bite that didn't connect. Headed back to Escanaba harbor and caught one 25 inch pike on a redtail. Water temp was 46 to 48 degrees.

Not great, but it was enough to "take the edge off" for the time being. At least the weather looks a lot better for the coming week. Hopefully that'll get things up and going again.

Good luck Tuesday. Let us know how you do.