View Full Version : November 3rd report

Ty Sennett
11-03-2009, 09:13 PM
I had Mike Skura and Brokeback Frank out today. We had a lot of fish going today. We ended up catching five fish and loosing six. We had one other nice follow also. I might be leaving a couple out but those are the ones I remember anyway. The ones we caught were 42,39,39,37 1/2, and 36. The ones we lost.................well you might just want to ask Frank about those. He had a little trouble with the hookset on the quickset rigs. He also brought a man purse into the boat that he told me was a first aid kit. Mike and I gave him a little razzin' for that. I thought he had some lip gloss or eyeliner in there. Anyway, one we lost right away just got off before we even set. That one was the biggest at somewhere in the 46 to 48 inch range. If I had been a little quicker we would have got that one. We lost three others that were low forty inch fish. The other two looked like mid thirty inch fish. Of the ones we caught, the three largest were on Bulldawgs and the other two were on quick set rigs. I give Frank a lot of crap but that's because he's a good guy just so everyone knows.

I've got them out again so hopefully we get Frank a few more chances.

11-05-2009, 10:33 AM
Hi Ty,

Paula and I want to come up to the Flowage sometime during the summer and fish with you. What time of the summer would you say is the best for Catching a Fish??? I think we are also planning to come up with Lea and Jay early June for all of our birthdays and fish with you and Luke. Let us know what dates you have for Paula and me mid summer or so.


Ty Sennett
11-05-2009, 12:52 PM
Any time after mid June would be great. Early June can be really great but really unpredictable. After mid June it is really steady up here. Give me a call in a week or two and I'll get some dates down.

Luke Rachel and I had a great time early this year with you guys. We definitely would love to do that again. That was a lot of fun. I heard you caught a nice one with Luke later in the year. Congrats!

Talk to you soon,
