View Full Version : Weekend Fishing

Red Childress
11-20-2009, 10:13 AM
Chasing walleye and trout tomorrow with 2 fine gentlemen. Hopefully, we can boat a few fish.

Good luck to everyone and be safe!

11-21-2009, 01:05 PM
My buddy caught a 39" musky and 2 eyes this morning. Hard tough fight from the musky. Man i got skunked. Skunked him last time but i told him he didn't have to pay me back so hard, lol. We'll be heading out tomorrow morning again probably. The moon rise today was 11:21 and he caught the musky at 11:40.

11-21-2009, 05:42 PM
My buddy caught a 39" musky and 2 eyes this morning. Hard tough fight from the musky. Man i got skunked. Skunked him last time but i told him he didn't have to pay me back so hard, lol. We'll be heading out tomorrow morning again probably. The moon rise today was 11:21 and he caught the musky at 11:40.

Well at least someone got some action, i tryed for 4 hours tonight. Not a thing for me moved, i thought for sure a pike would have made a move. So tough day for me. Do you have a pic of the muskie?

Red Childress
11-22-2009, 08:11 AM
We spent about an hour fishing at sunrise and netted 2 trout and 2 walleye then we spent about 4 hours running from Kinzua Dam to just North of Tidioute so my clients (former students/wrestlers of mine from Warren) could enter their GPS waypoints of all the walleye spots I know. Then we fished our way back to the Warren area and netted 5 more trout and 6 more walleye. The eagles were everywhere yesterday (probably the most I have ever seen in one day) which just reinforces the behavior correlation between birds and fish movements.

The last fish of the evening was a char, either a brook trout or lake trout....the multi-colored spots were not visible. I have never caught either one in the River before. This fish either came from one of the native streams entering the River or was planted by the US Fish Hatchery located at the Kinzua Dam.

Here is the photo of the Char......can anyone help with the identification??

allegheny river kid
11-22-2009, 10:37 AM
Looks like a brook trout to me. They are known for moving long distances on rivers and streams. It looks like a very healthy one!

11-22-2009, 10:39 AM
The fish looks like a tiger trout which is a cross between a brown and a brook. A lake trout would have a forked tail and from the pic, it appears that the fish has a square tail. Tiger trout can occur naturally although they are really rare. There are some produced in private hatcheries and some of these fish are planted in streams around the state by co-ops. Not sure if Brokenstraw gets any. Depending on the tribs in the area of that fish, it could be a wild fish if the trib holds both brooks and browns. I've only ever seen one and it was a hatchery fish. In thirty+ years of fishing the Allegheny for trout, I've only ever caught one brookie in the river, no lakers, and no tigers.


11-22-2009, 11:41 AM
No pic yet and my buddy will be gone today. I'll bug him to send one to me and post it.

river rat 83
11-22-2009, 04:39 PM
Yep, looks like a tiger trout. My brother caught one a few years back in one of our local streams. His had the same wormlike pattern on its side.

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fish.state.pa.us/pafish/trout_tiger/pics/wenger_steve2005.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fish.state.pa.us/images/pages/qa/fish/hybrid_breeding.htm&usg=__1iQW7Nda3xPTet_JYKoEytERP5I=&h=332&w=640&sz=178&hl=en&start=6&tbnid=BoAupJ3Act7GOM:&tbnh=71&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtiger%2Btrout%2Bpa%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3De n

Red Childress
11-23-2009, 07:58 AM
Thanks for the info guys.

The PFBC does not stock Tiger trout in this section of river, or at least that is what the stocking reports say. There have been a few times over the years that the US Hatchery has "lost" a few Atlantic Salmon and other salmonids into the tailrace section so that is what I thought might have happened at first. I guess this Tiger trout was either stocked/naturally conceived somewhere else and swam to the Kinzua area or is a real native Tiger trout. Either way, it was a pretty fish and pretty cool to catch one after all these years on the river.

I have heard of a few monster Brook trout being caught in the Allegheny Reservoir along with the stocked browns in there. This fish could have been a natural Tiger conceived in the Reservoir and made it through the gates , I suppose.

11-23-2009, 09:15 AM
I caught a tiger trout once at the first island below the dam, but that was several years ago. I don't know why, but I figured he was stocked in the Brokenstraw and swam all the way up.

06-09-2010, 06:45 PM
I came across this biologist report that was just posted on the pfbc website for a lake in my area and I remembered reading this thread awhile back. I've never seen a tiger trout before.

