View Full Version : My sincere apologizes to the fish Gods.

Red Childress
11-27-2009, 08:34 AM
I must confess to my poor choice of helping my wife shop this morning at 5am. We had planned on getting some items that were going to be too large for my lovely wife to handle but after wading through the expired bodies of fellow shoppers, every large item was already gone.

I could have used this wasted time preparing my boat for a fishing adventure since I am off work today but I instead chose to rise under the cover of darkness, scrape the snow off my windshield, warm up the truck and put our dolly in the back (so we would not have to wait for a WalMart worker to help us get these "large items" to the check-out counter) just to expediate the process.

I promise that this will never happen again. Next year, I will have the boat on the water by sunrise and will fish at a very high level. I hope that there were no other forum members who attemped this ill-fated, premeditated plan to earn "bonus fishing points" with their wife or significant other.

Black Friday simply sucks and I will never take part in it again. Please do not hold any grudges against me and allow a few muskies to visit my boat over the weekend......if not for me then for my client who is driving all the way from Connecticut just to see/catch some nice fish.

11-27-2009, 08:47 AM
I think I got you beat!!!!!!!!!!!

My wife and daughter went this morning, left at 4:10......at 4:20 or so she got a speeding ticket. 70 MPH plus......I haven't got all the details yet!

I'm sure any savings $$$ just went out the freaking window. Could of bought everything yesterday at full price and been money ahead.

Funny part was yesterday while traveling to family she said you better watch your speed today they are out extra watching.

11-27-2009, 09:30 AM
Now that's funny! That's something you tuck away as a "get out of jail free card" for later use.

In the spirit of the day I hope you all enjoy this link...


11-27-2009, 05:36 PM
Thx for reminding me guys why i do NOT shop on black friday, lol.

Red Childress
11-30-2009, 10:37 AM

Who got the ticket??

12-02-2009, 06:31 AM
Not me................wife got it.

If I'm getting up at 4am it will be for fishing only, not shopping!:)

Red Childress
12-02-2009, 08:01 AM
I was not sure if your daughter was old enough to drive.