View Full Version : BDNGLSF files suit

11-28-2009, 04:15 PM
fyi for the non locals or non paper readers


The Bait Shop Guy
11-29-2009, 12:29 AM
For all the folks that have been complaining about the recent illegal netting in the area, here's your chance to help do something about it! Lawyers aren't cheap, and the Bay de Noc Great Lakes Sport Fishing club needs all the help it can get! If you are not a current member, please consider joining. Membership is $20 per year, $10 for seniors over 55. Membership forms are available at the bait shop.

11-29-2009, 08:49 AM
Good point, Chris.

Hey, there was a 2nd follow up story in the paper on the club as well, I think on page 10, but I was not able to find it on the website. Any idea where that might be? I admit my patience for looking is pretty low, being on dinosaur dial up it takes forever if you don't know where something is.

Frank S
11-29-2009, 12:23 PM
I also read that people brought this subject up to Rep. Stupak during his town hall meeting, and he said that he would address it. Over the years, he has been pretty responsive to outdoor and environmental issues. Can't hurt to have the problem "kicked upstairs", harder to sweep away once it becomes public to both the constituents and the political representatives.

Mike P
12-02-2009, 11:55 AM
Seems to me in reading all these posts about getting rid of the slot by the DNR even though from what I read, the public {US} that the DNR supposedly works for, wants to keep the slot, as it only makes sense especially at this time when we are seeing the two incidents of illegal netting that took 1000s of lbs illegally netted walleyes for the last several years out of the Bay.

Oh and by the way I think it would be a little naive to think that they [ DNR] caught all of the illegal netters. How many got away Scott free?

Maybe I'm not the brightest candle on the cake, but in my mind ,this is probably the worst time to now decide to remove the slot, ya think ? Am I the only one of a few who realizes this is a bad time to remove the slot ?

Seems that the Michigan Baydenoc Great Lakes Sport Fishing Club is the only one who is moving to give these guys more than a slap on the wrist by naming themselves as a 'Victim" in the case and requesting the maximum penalty for these illegal netters . Being that said I for one want to join their club and make a donation to support them and perhaps so should you . I mean whats 15 or twenty bucks today.

One thing I realize, is that separately the bureaucracy isn't going to notice you or me . But together it may make a difference and again this club is the only positive thing trying to stop this crap . You might want to consider joining also. Just a thought You can look them up on the web .

Rainbow Roper
12-02-2009, 12:26 PM
Can you scan that membership form and post it on the forum so we can grab it and print it? I'll print it and send in my $20. Making it that easy for others to join might add some members and some funds. I've enjoyed alot of fun in your neck of the woods for the last few years and will gladly donate $20 toward helping the BDNGLSF go after the illegal netters.


Mike P
12-02-2009, 12:31 PM
Great idea !

12-02-2009, 12:42 PM
Can you scan that membership form and post it on the forum so we can grab it and print it? I'll print it and send in my $20. Making it that easy for others to join might add some members and some funds. I've enjoyed alot of fun in your neck of the woods for the last few years and will gladly donate $20 toward helping the BDNGLSF go after the illegal netters.

BIG ditto...


The Bait Shop Guy
12-02-2009, 01:02 PM
Fill out and mail to the P.O. box on the form. Just put 2010 as the expiration date. Membership dues are $20, seniors over 55 are $10. The club does not currently have an up-to-date website. Anything you find online right now is out dated. here is a list of the current board members and contacts:

President Larry Johnson PH 428-4420
Internal V.P. Jamie Tourangeau PH 233-9689
External V.P. Dave Westerberg PH 786-3950
Secretary Marty Johnson PH 466-5305
Treasurer Jim Bonifas PH 789-0915
Directors Jeff Iverson PH 786-9171
Diane Carlson PH 786-1488
Glenn Chenier PH 786-0238
Frank Stoykovich PH 280-0969
Cliff D’Arcy PH 428-9467
Mike King PH 280-0759
Steve Kocsis PH 428-4716
Art Richardson PH 428-3771
Jerry Searle PH 786-6992
Bob Therrian PH 238-4355
Chris Wahl PH 786-8634
Keith Wils PH 428-1488
Bill Myers PH 428-9039
Kelly King PH 428-4299

Contacts Jerry Peterson 446-3101
Pete Strom 789-1140
Paul Strom 789-9358
Kevin LeBoeuf 466-9091
Dan Kotowski 786-2843
Darren Kramer 786-2351

Rainbow Roper
12-03-2009, 09:14 AM
Thanks, Chris! Nothing like some a cause to get behind to make a big membership drive! Sending the link to my buddies that fish the bay as well.


12-03-2009, 10:13 AM
Sent mine in today! Let's get abunch to help the suit.

The Bait Shop Guy
12-05-2009, 08:33 AM
I just got this email from our club treasurer -

Hi Chris
We (BDNGLSF) did not file a civil suit. We filed a Victim Impact Statement. These are two different things. The Victim Impact Statement allows us possible payment for damages to the fishery. Please update the web page to this info.

Just want to keep things clear.

12-08-2009, 04:20 AM
I just got this email from our club treasurer -

Just want to keep things clear.

So if I send $20.00 bucks up there ,is it going to go to the lawers to fight the cause of illegell nonsense ...NETTTING. or just a fib ? It dosent matter . I myself ,and about 7 other family members live for our time on the Bays ,but we want to know our moneys are going to the right cause to try and stop the illegal over fishing. And it is not the twenty bucks We are concerned about it is all about the expearince and the commmerodamy ,that we have there every year . Please don"t make my have us travel to a lake way up in irin CO. P.S my printer is down so is it cool to just call one of those numbers you posted? THANK YOU CHRIS.

The Bait Shop Guy
12-08-2009, 08:49 AM
I think what Jim was getting at is, we are not taking anyone to court. We just filed the paperwork to be listed as the "victim" in the case. The title of this thread did not make that clear. Despite all the legal jargon, the club is in the court system, fighting for the bay! Nobody else is!

Your $20 membership fee helps fund all the clubs activities. In addition to our current legal actions, we were deeply involved with the past treaty negotiations, and will be again in the future. It helps fund our walleye rearing ponds, free kids fishing events, and club tournaments. We also help financially with fishing related projects like stream clean up, fishing piers, and cleaning stations throughout the area.

No need to print out the form. Just send your information and check to the PO box listed on the form.

Thanks for your help.

12-08-2009, 10:24 PM
I'm in 20 bones is a small price to pay,hopefully enough people will join to make a difference.The Bay is a special place,it would ge criminal to see that change..

The Bait Shop Guy
12-13-2009, 11:25 AM
Kerry Todd Johnson, 27, Cooks, and Daryl John Tatrow, 48, Garden, each pleaded no contest to a charge of using illegal fishing devices. The Misdemeanor carries a maximum punishment of 90 days in jail, $1000 fine, and revocation of one's fishing license for three years.

Tatrow also plead no contest to one count of attempted assaulting/resisting/obstructing a law enforcement officer for fleeing during his arrest. The charge carries a maximum sentence of one year in jail and a $1000 fine.

Johnson is scheduled to be sentenced in Delta County district court Monday, December 21st at 9:30am. Lawyers for the BDNGLSF have asked that all concerned sport fishermen that can attend, do so. The more people that show up, the stronger the message will be that we're sick of this crap!

Tatrow is scheduled to be sentenced on January 4th, (I'll post the time when I know it.)

A third man arrested in connection with the alleged illegal gill-netting operation, will be charged in the Sault Ste. Marie Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Court for subsistence fishing without a license.

12-14-2009, 04:18 PM
Wow........ they fine them a whole thousand dollars. What a bunch of crap......at a measly $5 a lb they probably have plenty to buy their new nets and gear and be out in time to get a few thousand more pounds........... Guess they really showed them.:mad:

The Bait Shop Guy
12-14-2009, 06:56 PM
Max POSSIBLE fine would be $1000 for EACH of them, plus up to an additional $1000 for the one guy that tried to get away. Also from the news article -
According to court paperwork prepared by Strom, the sports fishermen association is requesting Tatrow and Johnson pay full restitution in the amount of $5,552 for the 1,074 pounds of fish illegally caught in gill nets. On top of the fines, there's also the jail time to think about. Don't know about you, but I'd be ruined if I had to be out of work for up to 15 months! Sure would make me think twice about doing something stupid like that again. Hopefully it'll make their buddies think twice about doing it, too.

In the meantime, instead of complaining about something that hasn't taken place yet, why not do something about it? Have you joined the Bay de Noc Great Lakes Sport Fishermen yet? As I said before, "lawyers aren't cheap." We're the only ones outside of law enforcement fighting for the rights of average sport fishermen. At the very least show up at the sentencing, if you can, to show your support for the fishery.

The Bait Shop Guy
12-17-2009, 09:56 PM
Got a call today from the club's lawyer. Kerry Johnson has had his sentencing date pushed back. He is now scheduled to be sentenced on January 4th at 9:30 AM, along with Daryl Tatrow.

The Bait Shop Guy
01-03-2010, 07:52 PM
Sentencing is tomorrow. Show up if you can.