View Full Version : Winter reel maintenance

Mat Hegy
12-04-2009, 11:27 AM
With the closing of the open water season coming fast and Old Man Winter at the door now is the time to get your reels ready for next season. A few tips for the off season, don’t store your reels wet. Even though reels are manufactured with materials that resist corrosion water in a reel can still due damage. Drag washers and bearings can be affected and shorten their life span. Any old line that will be replaced next year should removed. Remember to back your drag off this will allow your drag washers to keep their shape and last longer. If you were having any problems with a reel now is the time to get that addressed, (if you’re like me while you can remember what it was doing). Also by having your reel serviced now you will be ready for the next season and not waiting for your favorite reel to get out of the shop. I due recommend having your reels serviced once a year if you are a moderate fisherman or women. If you fish a lot you may what to have your reels serviced twice a year. Just like getting the oil changed on your car cleaning and lubricating your reel will help keep it running longer. Over the summer dust and particles can become trapped in your reel and start to break down the grease and wear on any parts that are in contact with each other. Wear and friction will take your silky smooth reel and can turn it into a coffee grinder over a season without some preventative maintenance. If you due decide to clean and relube yourself remember that a little goes a long way, just a light film of grease on the correct spots and a drop or two of oil is all it takes, I often see reels that are soaked with oil, this will cause your drag to fail earlier and allow for more material to get trapped in your reel while fishing. Also I recommend using a high quality oil and grease that is specific to fishing reels not the 3in1 oil under the kitchen sink. If you would like me to go through your reels give me a call or E-mail.