View Full Version : You know your an ice fishin junkie when....

12-09-2009, 04:08 PM
Well, while I was out blowing and plowing snow this morning , all I could think about while on the 4x4 was ice fishing and where I was gonna go first and what I all need to get ready for the virgin outing. Thought I better get some stuff ready and check to see which reels need new line and such and then it hit me. I just recently moved to a new house overlooking the bay and the house happens to have an indoor pool which is quite large and deep. While I was checking my poles I was struck with a great idea. Rather than wait to check the action on some new lures and others staring down a hole, why not turn the pool into a ice fishing range. So here I was checking my action and technique and then got another great idea . Turn off the lights and test the glo raps/lures to see which are brightest and last longest. Then , I figured I might as well test out my new camera that I bought at Menards on black friday. By the time I was done I had the pool surrounded with just about everything but the portable shack and that was next to see how she floats. Things were going good until the Mrs. came home and came lookin for me in the pool room and found me with a pole in one hand and the camera in the other and I presume a dumb look on my face. Thought I could pull it off without incident until she blatently said in her wonderfully sarcastic voice... " who knows, you'll probably catch more than you usually do" and walked away leaving me to bleed.
Ouch, that cut deep. And no , I didn't catch anything , but now I'm thinking maybe I need to plant some fish in there and take this to the next level.
That'l fix her A$$!! Talk about swimmin with the fishes. Good thing I got rid of my boat or I'd probably have that thing in there too!
Good news is I learned a lot about my different arsenal and am ready . Bring on the Ice. It's the only time of year I can be more God like - you know , walking on water and all that. Can't come soon enough for me and hope to see some of you out there soon!!! Slammer!!!!!!!!!!

Walleye Quinn
12-09-2009, 04:27 PM
Slammer. On the portable shack you could of used some long 2by10 planks then you would of been all set up and ready to rock and roll. and don't forget the drinks.

12-09-2009, 07:08 PM
I can picture the wife walkin in .. sounds like a great commercial.

That brought a good laugh.. Thank You!!

12-09-2009, 07:50 PM
that is funny

12-10-2009, 10:03 PM
Slammer I can picture it. Thats funny! Must be something in the water at St. Francis. See you soon on the hard water.
