View Full Version : rods "changing" action over time!

12-16-2009, 12:23 PM
hi red,
hope you and your clients had a great year. a question came up recently concerning rods whose "actions change over time". have you or anyone else out there noticed this occurance where rods tend to soften up / break in over time? if so, what brands of rods are "showing" this?

Red Childress
12-16-2009, 01:27 PM
Hey Stan,

I read the 'full length' version on MH already. I have not noticed any changes in the Croix rods and those are all I use.

That is my .02 cents.

Red Childress
12-17-2009, 08:44 AM
I pulled this from MHM site.

Jason Brunner, the senior engineer/blank designer at St. Croix had this to say about rods "loosing power" over time....

Here is Jason's response:

"It is possible that a rod can lose power over time, but it highly depends on how the rod was used over that time period. Because of the the elasticity of modulus or what is commonly called 'stress strain ratio', a carbon rod could lose power or become softer when it is put under a load that exceeds its elasticity or strain. Micro fracturing starts to occur in the carbon fiber when it is stretched beyond its elongation percentage. If a rod is subjected to these excessive loads beyond its ability it will lose power over time. This is the technical answer that applies to the dynamics of the structure from an engineering standpoint. From a realistic standpoint, a rod could lose power but it is very slight and most likely undetectable to the user. In most cases, breakage would occur if the rod is subjected to micro fracturing too often. I don’t believe it’s and issue any fisherman should be concerned with."