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schmutzomatic 5000
01-03-2010, 06:07 AM
Ok, We all need a laugh when the fishing is slow. Lets hear about the pranks you have pulled when ice fishing... You know like the beer can tied to your buddies tip-up when he is not lookin.... I know there are some good ones. Lets share and all get a laugh.......

01-03-2010, 12:36 PM
I had a friend who owned a bar on a lake in another state. One of the regulars drank too much and my friend asked me to take him out to my shanty to fish long enough to sober up somewhat. First the guy hooked me in the finger while I was trying to bait a small spoon for him. After unhooking myself, I got his lure set up off bottom and let him sit there holding the rod. He got a couple bites but did not really know it. Finally he had a fish on that pulled hard enough to make him respond. He was clumsy, but reeled the catch in. It was a small channel catfish, and get this... the bottom half of a pair of long underwear! I suppose the fish swam past them laying on bottom with the lure in its mouth, and hooked them. As for how the underwear got into the lake... well that was probably another interesting story.

schmutzomatic 5000
01-03-2010, 01:55 PM
Was ice fishing a few years back on the Meno. River by Fairland loop for gills in shallow water. You see big northern swim by and such but the gills you have a hard time seeing. You get right over the hole and watch your jig disappear then set the hook and you got a gill. Well when ur over the hole and a marshrat comes up the hole for air it will give ya good reason to take the longies off for disposal. I almost made a new door in my shack...lol

01-03-2010, 05:45 PM
Was out fishing for Gils(about 20 yrs ago) in 6' - 10' of water. I needed to relieve myself, so I asked my friend to watch my pole while I went out. When I came back, my pole was gone? I asked him what happened? He said a big fish hit my lure and my pole went down the hole............Man, I asked you to watch my pole! He said that he was watching it! and with a short pause......he said he watched it go right down that hole there! We all started laughing so hard, it was a good thing that just got done doing my business or I might have had an accident on the spot! then it hit me...........Maann! :( That was my favorite pole! When just about that time my friend set the hook on another Gil and some how our lines had gotten tangled and my pole came flying out of the water right behind that gil......another short pause, because we were in shock and then we all started laughing again!! It was unbelievable! Wow what a GREAT DAY FISHING!

01-04-2010, 07:51 AM
Fishing with captjimtc years ago on Eagle Harbor in the Keweenaw, walking out with his spud over my shoulder, but my wrist NOT thru the rope. Got to our spot, "flung" the spud off my shoulder to the ice, right into an old hole with only an inch or two of ice over it. Spud went right to the bottom!! Captjim put on a jiggin rap, and began messing around. it was a very calm day, and if you put your ear by the hole, you could hear the rap "tinkin" against the spud, which apparently stuck in the mud straight up & down. After a few minutes, he managed to hook the rope and bring the spud up hand over hand with 4lb test! Saved my arse and my wallet from buying him a new spud. Oh, and saved our fishing, since we had no other way to make a hole! Now I know why everyone puts a rope on their spud, just have to remember to use it!

01-04-2010, 01:37 PM
One morning a couple of years ago I went out from the harbor in escanaba to catch a few whitefish. As i got in the shack that my buddy was sitting in, he said to be careful because his nephew had kicked his pole in the hole as he was leaving earlier. He also told me that it was a bad day so far in that he lost his chum can down the hole earlier too. About 15 minutes later, I was jigging when i felt a good strong tug on my line. I proceeded to reel up his chum can. he was happy as a pig in $#!^ after that. on the next drop, i had a nice hit, and this was a fish... I reeled up, fighting the fish(it had to be big from the fight it was giving), and took several runs. When I finally got my line reeled in, it was hooked on a piece of fishing line. Paul grabbed the line, and felt the fish tugging. he handlined it up only to find his rod cannected to one end of the line. he reeled his line tight and there was a large burbot on the other end. twas a great day!

on another day, when paul exited the shack to relieve himself, i tied a large plastic bag to a snap-swivel, put about 2 ounces of weights in the bag and clipped it over his line. Just as i heard him coming back to the shack, I dropped the bag down his hole. It took about 5 or 10 minutes to drop to the end of his line, and all the while he was jigging. when it got to his hook, and stopped, his eyes got large as saucers, I think he thought he had a 20 lb fish on there cause the bag would open like a parachute whenever he pulled on it, and it would flutter and feel like a fish jerking... 85 feet later and several minutes fighting the monster, he taught me some new words.