View Full Version : Two Day Report!!!

01-05-2010, 08:59 PM
Well, if you like howling winds, severe windchill, and slow fishing , now is the time to be out there. Fished yesterday and today and it was brutal out there. Covered 26-35 ft of water and only moved once yesterday and stayed put today due to it's too damn cold to move!!!
Caught 2 nice perch and a northern yesterday with about a 1/2 dozen undersize eyes. Today was worse with 1- 7"or 8" walleye that had my lure and minnow and two other minnows in it's throat. Also a 32" northern in 35 ft. of water that I thought was my dandy walleye for the day. Bittersweet fish. Was marking lots of fish all day with lots and lots of lookers. What gives with them?? Threw the entire arsenal at em and nodda.
Gonna have to go tomorrow and try some shallow water for a change.
Talked to quite a few people at the launch after dark and everybody had the same story. Skunked or a few dinks and that's it. Maybe I need a longer net!!
Stay warm and don't forget the Ice cleats. Almost took a digger yesterday and I think I pulled every muscle in my body trying not to hit the ice. Should of had it on video. Didn't know I had moves like that. Baby steps after that one!!! Good Luck!! Slammer!!!!!!!!