View Full Version : Depth and Noise?

01-07-2010, 01:59 PM
I was wondering what your experiences are with noise, particularly the drilling of holes, while ice fishing on big water like the bay. I know at some of the smaller, shallower lakes I fish, it seems to take a while for the fish to start hitting after a new hole is drilled. Do you notice that in the deeper waters in the bay, or can you start catching (or at least seeing them on your flasher) right away?

Also, from what I've read, it sounds like most of you are fishing failry deep. Anyone trying shallower waters?

Just curious.


01-07-2010, 07:45 PM
I don't think its much of an issue here because usually your all set up by prime time... your flasher can be marking NOTHING all day then light up like a christmas tree at 4:30 out of no where... If need be drill plenty of holes well before this time and you can try and follow them around... Don't be the guy that fires up an auger at 5 oclock right next to other shacks though! haha In shallower water for perch or whatever do the same... drill all your holes for the day right away then your good to go.