View Full Version : Hello

01-07-2010, 11:20 PM
I’ve been reading the posts on this web site for a few years now, but never took the time to join. The other day I found myself thinking, “Why aren’t there more posts/reports on this site?” I mean, the access sites to the lake are packed. Sometimes I can’t even find a place to park. However, out of the hundreds of people that fish every day on LBDN, very few actually take the time to post. I even found myself thinking that some of these people are lazy. But then, it hit me. I’m just as bad as anybody! I have been reading the posts from this website for years and never took the time to give back to it. I fish all the time. And, honestly, I have a great deal of information about this sport to share with people. Sorry I’ve been so lazy in the past! From now on, I’ll try to find the time to share a few things with you guys.
PS. Please, no Cheesehead bashing under this thread. I don’t want the Bait Shop Guy to have to close my first post. Oh yeah, and no Troll bashing either.;)
--Good fishing to all!!

weekend jimmy
01-08-2010, 10:44 PM
welcome aboard!! Its always to nice to have more in put on here! IMO. The more the merrier unless your fishing right next to me uninvited. LOL