View Full Version : Rachel Sennett musky shows seminar

01-11-2010, 01:14 PM

I understand Rachel Sennett's seminar talks at the musky shows are being well attended, as well as very insightful..Subject: Picking the Right Net Man....


Ty Sennett
01-12-2010, 09:23 AM
That's just not right Buck. Shouldn't you be getting ready to watch the Packers this weekend?.......ooo, that's right they lost didn't they.

sterile herald
01-14-2010, 08:24 PM

Look at it this way, you think you have picked the right quarterback to take you to the promise land. He puts you in the position to land one of the biggest games of your life and what happens! The very last play of the game he dorks it, it can happen to even the best. The best thing to do is not whine about it, pick yourself up and go after it again. Losers live in the past, winners look to the future. I will put my money on Ty Rodgers any day.


01-15-2010, 08:00 AM
yadda yadda yadda your Whiteness.....Perhaps your rag tag team can finally pull something together for the Opener this year..Five, as in one more than FOUR years of drubbing by the Norwegians has to sting....Ty won't say anything bad to buck because he knows he won't get any more food from N!! Go Cowboys.!


sterile herald
01-15-2010, 08:18 PM
OK, so now it starts just because I mispelled Rodgers you are going to jump ship from the pack, Farve and the Vikes and backup the Cowboys, I will remain loyal to Da bears and Cutliar. Go Vikes you traitor!

Just to let you know, if Fuzzy can't make it this year I am going to recruit Rachel to join team tuffy. I am working on a rod that will put her jigging skills to a level you may never reach, she will eventually join the dark side and leave Ty to fend for himself.


01-16-2010, 08:44 AM
Assuming is a dangerous hobby...Rachel is WAY smarter than to jump in a dead end boat...besides, you hurt Ole's feelings.
