View Full Version : Alonzo Buck

Ty Sennett
01-28-2010, 09:58 AM
Man, you have to watch you language on here. We have a lot of kids that I take out that read these posts. I appreciate you posting news articles like that but seriously, you have to think before you type.

From the looks of the VHS virus it's similar to some of the other viruses out there in that it will inevitably run it's course on all lakes and some lakes will see a small percentage of fish kill while others will not. I personally don't see any way to stop the disease from spreading. Luckily it seems that the systems that do get the VHS take one initial hit from the virus and then the lake or river systems seem to build up immunities to some extent.

Now I can be wrong about this, but from what I've read this seems to be the case. I don't think we can play god for mother nature sometimes. Sometimes we can though like the spread of milfoil and Asian Carp. Those can be slowed down at least but still not stopped. I know things make people mad and I hate to see fish kill as much as the next guy but sometimes as much as you don't want to hear it viruses can make a system better by taking out the weak. Does that mean I am for the spread of viruses like VHS or blue spot or red spot disease. Absolutely not. We should take as much precaution as possible until we better understand the virus in question.

Again, thanks for updating us on current events but remember kids and some adults alike don't need to see the cuss words on here.

Thanks Alonzo,