View Full Version : Great Weekend Trip!!!

02-01-2010, 03:06 PM
Decided it was time to try something different for a change and hooked up with a couple of old fishing/drinking buds from the Phelps,Wi. / Land O Lakes area and fished some inland lakes for a change. Besides freezing our butts off like everyone else , jigging was not an option, as we were chasing flags all day and night. Fished Fri night from 4:30 till 8:00 and ended up with 5 walleyes , 1-perch and 2 northerns with lots of misses. Largest walleye was mine of course, at 26" . The next day we travelled to a different lake targeting northerns and from 2:00 till 8:00 we landed 2 -12" perch and 17 northerns and was too tired to count all the missed flags. Brought back old memories of when I lived on Lac Vieux Desert lake .
Despite the sub zero weather we had a great time and did well for the time we put in . Hardest part was keeping the wet hands warm. Had more action in two days than I've had all season here on the Bay. That either says I suck on the bay or the fishing here just aint the same.
By the way, Man have they got the snow compared to us. I'm thinking the snow cover may have a lot to do with it. Good luck. Slammer!!!!!!!

02-01-2010, 06:31 PM
Gezzzz...And he doesn't even tell us what lakes he fished. lol

02-01-2010, 07:19 PM
Good job Slammer, it's about time you catch some fish. I was wondering where you have been. I miss my picture taking buddy. Come see me someday.

Crawlerman is OUT

02-02-2010, 11:37 AM
Hey Slammer!
Sounds like you had a good time...why wasn't I invited??? LOL!

02-02-2010, 12:54 PM
Hey xray girl, didn't have room in the truck for all your tip-ups and diaper bag too. Had to make a choice, although not a popular one. Yeah , had a great time and not ready to go back to work thur. Gonna try fishin tomorrow and then that's it for the week. Catch ya later. Slammer!!!!!

North Town
02-02-2010, 01:26 PM
Slammer... Buddy of mine was fishing over in Phelps this past weekend.. him and and I are going there 2/19, 20 and 21. We had a blast up there last year too. Great area, good people. Curious whether or not you were on the same lake we stay on and fish...

02-02-2010, 04:09 PM
Hey North Town,
I actually stayed in Land O Lakes and fished north of the Wi. border on the chain. I drove through Phelps and talked to some old friends and finally the lakes have firmed up , although, I would take a snowmobile if you have one as most of the lakes we fished were unaccessable from the boat launch and we launched from private drives. Did o.k. with the 4 wheelers but a lot can happen between now and then. A vehicle went through on North Twin but should be O.K now . Good luck and let us know how you did! Slammer!!!!!