View Full Version : 2-1-10

02-01-2010, 07:06 PM
Made it out about quarter after 5 after work tonight.. Right away hooked a nice fish I'm supecting a whitefish by the fight.. Lost it half way up.. Shortly after had a fish follow my rap aggressively and landed a fine sucker... Yea a sucker... Bastard followed my jig perfectly.. thought I had a nice walleye.. Same thing shortly after that... good follow and a commit... Nice whitefish this time that I landed... One short walleye after that and a 16".. Marked fish until I left but must have been whitefish... weren't very interested in the bait after 6.. pretty fun half hour though.. Fish were aggressive until the sun was completely gone.. All on a rap

02-01-2010, 07:08 PM
Also was wondering if anyone knows where the two wisconsin people went through on the ATV.. Radio said tenth st point??? Lots of ice there... Just wondering if that info is correct

02-01-2010, 08:51 PM
Yes, that is correct about 20 yards from the tip of the point.