View Full Version : 2-2-10

02-02-2010, 07:46 PM
Fish were much more aggressive tonight... Had to keep the bait moving constantly or they lost interest... Two keepers and 5 that were so close I measured them a few times hoping they would grow another 1/8" but threw um back.. had one monster on the flasher follow my jig but wouldn't go.. musta been a 15 lber.... hehe

02-02-2010, 08:41 PM
I am not asking for GPS coordinates nor am I asking for a detailed map of where your targeting your fish. What I am asking is where do I even begin to fish in this upcoming tournament? Where is it safe to drive truck or quad? I read all the posts and you are all excellent at telling us where not to go on the ice, but I can't remember any posts saying where you CAN get on the ice safely with a truck. Is the ice still that bad? I heard there are shacks in front of the Esky river now. Is that true? I will be in Chris's shop Friday afternoon or first thing Saturday morning to hopefully get some info.

Thanks to all who keep this site going.

02-02-2010, 09:18 PM
Basically stick to the quad... You can drive a truck in places but its probably not worth it.. I have been driving off by the state police post in gladstone with my vehicle since this weekend and found out a quad with two people went through about 100 yards from where I drive... (still doing it anyway) They were very close the the point where the fishing pier is... I have heard reports of plenty of ice at black bottum for a quad. Launching from the terrace requires a finesse jump across the pressure crack but it looks like theres ways.. now with some snow you will be able to follow tracks. I haven't been to the river yet but your right there are shacks there now. I watched a fourwheeler leave from the terrace to head south to the river but I don't know how much ice is around the big pier sticking out there. I know theres current there so I'm not gonna say its safe. There are trucks out off of Mcdonalds but only about a 1/4 mile out.. My spot seems to be good eaters so that sure won't help you on winning the tournament.. Gonna take 13 lbs or bigger I'm sure.