View Full Version : Yellow Gate

02-10-2010, 09:24 AM
If anyone could tell me where is Yellow Gate and how do you get there. I'm from out of town and want to come over to LBDN to fish. Thanks in Advance!

02-10-2010, 01:00 PM
the yellow gate is north of kipling, north of bay shore bait and tackle. go about 3 or 4 miles and yellow gate will be on the right side. be careful of the pressure crack off there. i believe eneryone is heading out to the left and going around it. if you hit days river road you went to far. go back about 1 mile. days river road is on the left and it goes back to the 4 lane.

02-10-2010, 01:39 PM
When you hit the beach go left. There should be tracks to follow. I went straight out yesterday over the pressure crack with my truck and hit HARD. If you go to the left the pressure crack runs out and is nice and smooth.

02-10-2010, 04:14 PM

The first yellow gate is 1.75 miles north of Bayshore Bait and Tackle and then you drive thru the woods and when you get on the lake you take a left and there should be tracks that you can follow. You have to make sure that you go far enough north to get around the ice heave there.

Remember the ice is never considered safe and you should use EXTREME CAUTION if you don't know where you are going.

Crawlerman is OUT

02-10-2010, 04:52 PM
This is what I think "extreme caution" should indicate: I enter Yellow Gate and drive to a spot about ten yards west of the highly visible ridge. At that point one person drives while another walks along the ridge. When the person walking sees a spot where someone else has crossed (tire tracks crossing) he checks the actual crossing spot on both sides with a spud bar. Sometimes the ridge appears too high to cross. At other times you find that just an inch or two of ice covers open water. The conditions change at least daily (and sometimes within hours). While the depth of the lake at the ridge is usually one to two feet, breaking through is still a pain. I cross the ridge 2 - 4 times a week. I check it each time. Both going out and returning. In my experience, the ice on the lake side of the ridge has been fine, with 18 inches or more being common. Remember that the Days River is found north of the Yellow Gate South Access, and that area where the river enters the lake is not safe. Look for a line of reeds extending out toward the east to mark the river mouth.