View Full Version : Groveland Mine Ponds ??

02-18-2010, 07:46 AM
I won't be able to make it to the ponds this year , but was wondering about the fish over there this year? Last year we were there and did pretty good on gills and crappies , but they were completely loaded with parasites... little black specks that look like poppy seeds. I don't mind if there are a few of them in the filets as they are safe to eat if cooked properly, but the ones we caught ( all of them) were just loaded with them and unedible. Just wondering how they are this year? Slammer!!!

02-18-2010, 08:16 AM
those black specs are scars from parasites on their skin. so it looks like pepper on the fillets. dnr says there fine to eat but i do not like seeing those black specs on the fillets, so every fish i catch at the mine ponds goes back down the hole. buddy of mine went there this year and said its bad this year, did not catch anything there. waste of trip.

02-18-2010, 08:35 AM
i've regularly eaten fish from the mine ponds over the past year and haven't died yet ;)

those black spots are harmless. if you can get past them psychologically, you're fine.

but, yeah, it seems to be particularly acute in the gills caught there as opposed to anywhere else around here.