View Full Version : fish finder opinion any thoughts?

02-18-2010, 10:17 AM
I was wondering what your thoughts were on this fish finder http://www.cabelas.com/link-12/product/0065672020560a.shtml

I currenlty have one on my boat, it came with the boat and I like it but I was really liking the price and the ability to mark waypoints on this one. Also my current one does not have a temp sensor and cannot measure speed. I know that the waters I fish are not going to be on this one, (cussewago and french creek) however, I could save my tracks an waypoints for future trips. I am attaracted to this one because of the price, otherwise I am just going to keep going with what I have. Anyone have any thoughts on the unit/experince with it? Any imput would be good. I figure I could e-bay my current one make about $50 and then have to come up with the balance which would not be too hard....



02-18-2010, 12:44 PM
I just sold my cuda 250 gps, it had temp and speed. Are you sure yours does not have it? I could be wrong but i think yours would.

Well i loved my 250 (i know your lookin at 350) but close enough to talk about. I sold mine because i picked up two color gps/sonars for my boat, that help off set the cost of the new units. So it looks like a good unit from reviews.

02-24-2010, 09:23 AM
I don't have or used the listed sonar unit but the 240 X 160 pixels will result in a unit that is not quite so sharp as other units with at least a 240 X 240 pixels (the min. recommended by many sonar users). IMHO you get what you pay for. Of course, you can get an Eagle unit (aka "Lowrance) with the same features as a Lowrance for less money.

I had an inexpensive sonar unit on my boat and used it to find structure pretty well for quite a while. Then I put a better unit (more pixels) on my boat and all of a sudden started seeing things (where'd those tree branches, bushes & shad schools come from? :)) that I couldn't decipher before.

Of course knowing how to use the unit you purchase is the way to go. Personally, I would invest in a few more $$ for a 360 X 360 unit and make the waypoint thing secondary (you can always have maps and triangulate). Prices seem to be getting lower and lower for better units, especially the B & W units. My present B & W sonar (6 years old) just goes on and on and I won't replace it until it stops working. Sold originally for $350 or so - a similar unit in B & W now for under $200.00. Color units? Can't comment (never owned one) but those that have them claim that they can decipher the bottom with them better and recognize fish arches better.

FYI: I discovered (when I sent a unit in for repairs) that Humminbird (and perhaps others) sells reconditioned units (depending on availabilty) with the same guarantee as a new unit. You could end up with a better unit for lessor price if you investigate this.